After the scratching of the ONLY horse to beat "Tiz the Law" the one eyed Finnick The Fierce" yesterday-the ONE contendor jumping out at me is "Max Player" and it is for all the WRONG reasons.
Formerly trained by FEMALE Trainer Linda Rice who was supposed to take "Max Player" To Kentucky Derby 2020 as of as recently as THREE WEEKS AGO-now Steve Asmussen has become the "pinch hitter" as the NEW TRAINER of "Max Player" what drugs will he concoct to get those extra inches out of "Max Player" what shocking methods will he use to get those results?
PETA ( an organization I despise and am NOT affiliated with) did a brilliant expose on Steve Asmussen and caught him on video in a tape viewed millions of times now and published on the New York Times newspaper yet he is STILL racing and is in fact Churchill Downs winningest Trainer at the moment.
So I predict "Max Player" to win today and it is because I feel he will be amped up on those Asmussen pregame cocktails. That's just my OPINION. I of course will not be betting even though I predicted last years Kentucky Derby 2019 on my now deleted Twitter of "Country House" after the predicted winner, last year "Omaha Beach" owned by Fox HIll Farms Rick Porter/NTWO/Victoria Keith mysteriously dropped out of the race (scratched) days before, and although it had NEVER won a single TRIPLE CROWN RACE and dropped out of the Kentucky Derby and has been rumored to be lame, still sold to the owner of Public Storage for $22 million ANYWAY DAYS before last years Kentucky Derby where "Maximum Security" was denounced as the winner by the Stewards after coming in First Place and "Country House" was then declared the winner. Creating a windfall for Churchill Downs. When challenged in court-they said the Stewards have the ultimate ruling. So the Fox Rules the Hen House at the Bank/Casino of Churchill Downs, what ever is most profitable for the house the Stewards can freely decide that is the winner and that is the END OF STORY.
If "Tiz the Law" wins that would not be nearly as profitable as if a NEWLY AMPED UP "Max Player" now trained by Steve Asmussen instead of the honor going to Linda Rice- a RaEAL SLAP IN THE FACE to Linda Rice, although there could be more to the story, but NO OWNER is going to ask PETA exposed Steve Asmussen to train their horse unless they WANT to see it get amped up and buzzed and have every shot at winning. Abused.
So even though I feel I could win a lot of money simply by PAYING ATTENTION even with all the bread and circuses brought to you in the streets by Oprah and Churchill Downs, along with the Government of Kentucky-my head is still in the game, and I believe one other horse Steve Asmussen ACTUALLY TRAINED not stole off Linda Rice's Training-scratched from the Kentucky Derby, so will not pose a threat to "Max Player." Slick behind the scenes moves that lead me to believe that today at 30-1 odds "Max Player" wins the Derby regardless whether they play the "My Kentucky Home" song or not, regardless if anyone gets shot out side or if things remain peaceful.
REAL MONEY Winner: Churchill Downs. Same as last year. Same as every year what corporation when making it's OWN RULES would NOT rig the game in it's favor?

Wow it was Steve Asmussen trained "Pneumatic" that dropped out of the Kentucky Derby...funny how info just flies in know i love it...i could not find that info...#Lulz :P XOXO
