Churchill Downs has their own reasons their handle for Kentucky Derby 2020 is at $150 Million when last years 2019 Kentucky Derby was at $300 Million over twice this years-despite the fact they have virtually NO sports betting competition at the moment with boycotts by and of NBA and NFL games right now in lieu of current social situations.
I'll keep it simple, NTWO, Rick Porter, Maggi Moss, Victoria Keith, Robin Fairweather and Gryostyan Private Investigators in MN, and the Llamas-Virt and Leah Kershaw, have a whole lot to do with that decrease too. They started a war on horse racing that has sealed it's demise.
If anything next year's handle will be far lower, with competition from other sports open again, and with more protestors at the track next year - as the momentum against horse racing is at an all time high and gaining more and more momentum daily as animal rights activists educate others who then join the movement at a record breaking speed - once the extent of the cruelty from the drugs, the shocking and the kill pens is revealed.
Arlington Park's revenue will soon be ZERO and Kentucky Derby cut it in HALF. SO as a company I would say Churchill Downs has been very impacted by this war Maggi Moss started and Victoria Keith. It's funny Spendthrift Farms owner of Authentic who won the Kentucky Derby-owns the breeding rights to "Seattle Slew" - something I overheard while watching the Derby. A fun fact, that gives them motive to harass me via Victoria Keith who has been caught admitting it publicly on FB-which there is a screen shot of on my blog. Victoria Keith of Fox HIll Farms who received $22 MILLION FOR AN ALLEGEDLY LAME HORSE NAMED "Omaha Beach" that NEVER even raced in the Kentucky Derby after it scratched as the FAVORITE just days before 2019 Kentucky derby, never won a triple crown race. Most horse like that end up in the kill pens worth ZERO DOLLARS NOT $22 Million.
Funnier, is Spendthrift Farms owns the bloodlines for "Seattle Slew" the ones PAYING Victoria Keith. I had been gifted "Strollin Willie' his board I paid $350 a month for. A horses with BLOODLINES of "Seattle SLEW" AND "Secretariat". A horse that I could have bred, since I was given the horse in writing which is also posted as proof along with the receipts for board I paid her on my blog before getting doxxed, and having my i.d. stolen and my Deceased Mom's picture defaced by NTWO and it's minions -Victoria Keith and Maggi Moss. Then the horse I was "gifted" with no contract NOT TO BREED IT ever signed-was allegedly euthanized by Randi Collier after she gave NTWO my personal name and address and phone # that they used to publicly dox and harass me (again proof posted on my blog see table of contents page). Long story short, I have demanded the death certificate for "Strollin Willie' only to be given a fake. I guess Spendthrift Farms does not have to worry about him ever being bred or "Seattle Slew' or Secratariat's Bloodlines being bred, since "Strollin Willie" is now either deceased or missing thanks to dirty business by Victoria Keith, Maggi Moss and Randi Collier. Victoria Keith later being given (Fox Hill Farms) $22 million for a lame horse and when is the last time you heard about Randi Collier saving a thoroughbred? XOXO
Either way, Churchill Downs needs to accept this new "handle" as it will NEVER go back up. Horse racing is decreasing NOT increasing in popularity and the way Bob Baffert handled his horses both in the Paddock and the Winner's Circle made horse racing in America the laughing stock of the world. Good luck with all that. Next time don't crop a dick on my Deceased Mama's obituary photo! U Feel that? #OneLove #OpUnity XOXO
Note: It was Churchill Downs decision NOT to have fans there due to spreading Corona Virus as protests raged in the streets.
Either Corona Virus is NOT a thing-or Nancy Pelosi has no fear of it, not wearing a mask to protect her hair stylist, and Trump with all of his HIGH LEVEL intelligence briefings doesn't wear a mask while golfing while others with him do, where is the Secret Service on this if it is as deadly as they scare us into thinking it is, or deaths among Black Americans and Antifa members would be skyrocketing after all of these riots after they have all had EXTREME EXPOSURE-especially in New York City previously declared a Rona Hot Spot. When the Cajun Navy announced they would be helping in Lousiana Lake Charles-which I have yet to see-despite the vast pleading for help down there-they didn't seem at all concerned about going into another HOT SPOT for RONA - when asking for volunteers-and our government proud of the Cajun Navy psy op they created never let on to the public that going into a RONA HOT SPOT voluntarily might not be a great idea-no warning why because no risk.
We initially had all these shut downs or so we were told by the media about this plandemic and our Senators, Governors and President all working together to gobble up your real estate on the cheap, how many pulled out of the stock market just in the nick of time? Working together they all originally told us-that the shut downs and masks were to "slow the spread" of the virus as to not overwhelm the hospitals.
So hospitals have been empty this whole time. Regular and routine visits and surgeries cancelled and insurance companies have reported never being MORE PROFITABLE. Same with Billionaires and other Big Box Stores like Target and Walmart all working together to shut down completely their competition and destroy small businesses. So the hospitals are empty - and the RIOTS RAGE ON- and the hospitals stay empty. So what were the shut downs of small businesses for if RIOTS are allowed to carry on in their place spreading the virus like wildfire, but what virus, the one Nancy Pelosi is in fear of her life of as she gets her hair did? Or Trump plays golf with not a care in the world? While others fret over how they can pay the rent this month or put food on the table when they want nothing more then to go to work and wait on tables, or style hair just to feed their kids? But can't- due to Government OVERREACH AND TYRANNY. END THE SHUT DOWNS. END THE MASK BULLSHIT. FUCK THA RONA. FUCK THE VACCINE. <3 -/\_ #OneLove #OpUnity XOXO

Following friend Victoria Keith Ntwo who calls Maggi Moss her "Ride or Die" lead-(Fox HIll Farms/Rick Porter/Victoria Keith/Ntwo pulled Omaha Beach Days before last years Kentucky Derby. This year Maggi Moss pulls a similiar stunt. Scratches the favored "No Parole" from one of the Kentucky Derby races called the Pat Day Mile just a day prior to the race. Yet claims horse is healthy? Is she paid to do that to manipulate the handle? Was Victoria Keith? Is this legal?

Daily Racing Forum Marcus Hersch has evidently HUGE BALLS and called out Maggi Moss for scratching No Parole. He will soon meet her minions as I have and they are UGLY AF.
But good for him, this world needs more men with voices who are not afraid to call someone out on their bullshit publicly. Maggi Moss is not off limits-despite all of her minions who leap up to lick her stilettos she is too old to be wearing anyway...:P XOXO
#MaggiMossMinions are #StilettoLickers you can find them all over Twitter sucking up! XOXO

Facebook public message on my wall from Victoria Keith to me.

Who are Victoria Keith and Ray Paulick to hire people to hack, and wiretap their competition as well as their critics? Who is comfortable with this?
Are they working for the alphabet agencies? Is that why they go unarrested for their rampant crimes and harassment?

#DirtyVicky XOXO
If Victoria Keith is policing the industry or part of an alphabet agency or law enforcement-as Maggi Moss once was, isn't this sort of the Fox Guarding the Hen House? It seems as if even racing insiders imply she is dirty herself no? Who would give a Dirty Woman a wire tap to turn in others?

Victoria Keith was also called out for scratching OMAHA BEACH $22 MILLION HORSE that scratched from Kentucky Derby days before the event, pulled the same stunt again, the same stunt her "Ride or Die" Maggi Moss pulled yesterday pulling "No Parole" out of the Pat Day Mile Race at the Kentucky Derby. It looks like this is their M.O. at this point.

Victoria keith Fox Hill Farms (lame omaha beach $22 million sale) spotted...liking a post referencing the TAKE DOWN of all of my social media accounts. Why is Victoria Keith liking the fact that I am silenced?

Why would Victoria Keith like a post stating that my account was taken down on Facebook? Did she pay them to do it?
Who reported this post leading them to take down my accounts?

Victoria Keith in her own words admits hitting the like button. XOXO

Victoria Keith also admitted to doxxing me on the same thred on Facebook publicly as well, so you can see why I don't readily feel her apology is sincere on ANY level or her excuse of accidentally liking it as you can see.

This is a petty war with a real wager. What was the handle again at Churchill Downs today?

#BlessHerHeart If ANYONE knows why handles are down not just at Kentucky Derby, but why Arlington Park is closed, Santa Anita and the rest of California racing soon will be, it is most definitely the "Ice Queen" Victoria Keith who is creating the backlash. XOXO

Of course Churchill Downs choosing not to have fans as Corona rages on in the streets surrounding Churchill Downs all summer long in Louisville factored into the low handle, Churchill Downs closing Arlington and pissing off many racing fans had something to do with it, calls of boycotts rang out afterwards on the Paulick Report, the lawsuit with the horseman over drugging their horses has bad "optics" to the public perhaps #Cringey is a more appropriate word, offending half of the population by playing the Racist Old Kentucky Home song, with a bugle-or whatever, is like playing Two Live Crews Pop That Pussy on live t.v. with a saxophone do you think any Mom's would call in and object, if this were on say live t.v. like America's Got Talent? Do you think playing a saxaphone or a kazoo would cover the ugly lyrics and people would forget about them? "My Kentucky Home" same thing with it's racist lyrics humming them does not make anyone forget.
Perhaps it is the kill pen publicity that has turned major portions of the public against horse racing? Perhaps it is all the deaths on the track? Perhaps it is the way you hounded and harassed the hell out of those of us trying to clean the mess horse racing made of the lives of it's victims the tragic thoroughbreds who end up with strangles and starving to death after being "rescued" from kill pens and needing $350 a month PER HORSE from the broke general public for donations for the next 30 to 40 years that is draining on betting funds?
Either way $150 million was a lot of money to risk with this public relations strategy that has undoubtedly backfired and hit Churchill Downs smack dab in the pocket book, if all they really care about is money and not the horses lives or the jockeys lives, or the horse man then isn't that the only place they would feel it?
Does anyone think horse racing will in ANY way come back from this to have any higher of a handle next year - even with fans allowed? Do you think the streets won't be erected with large fences to keep those who are protesting kill pens and horse racing out. This year is the beginning of the "New Normal" for Kentucky Derby with less wagering and more protests, the protests will never stop and well to do guests with fancy hats will just have to cross the picket lines every year to attend the races and drink their mint juleps. XOXO
Horse Racing is just simply put low class now...XOXO

Not sure if this year's Preakness will be condemned due to Corona Virus or Building Codes-either way does anyone even care anymore? If "Tiz the Law" had won the Kentucky Derby after winning the Belmont, I could see the interest in watching him win the Triple Crown, but now it's just like meh-a shit race, at a shit track with horses we will soon be bailing out of killpens like it or not. XOXO

#Motive #SpendThriftFarms #Ntwo #RandiCollier #SoulHorseTX #MissingStrollinWillie #Murder #DirtyMoney #Harassment #GangStalking #IdentityTheft #VictoriaKeith #MaggiMoss

I can't imagine why Victoria Keith is glad I am not on Twitter, I have so many questions to ask her she seems to know a lot about this whole thing. Here is one how much do you want to bet this question never gets an answer?

Why are Ray Paulick and Victoria Keith defending and promoting My Racehorse when everyone else is saying it is a SCAM?
Are Ntwo, Ray Paulick and Spendthrift Farms all in on the scam together?

So Ray Paulick is in on the scam and ALSO wants power to wire tap and so does Victoria Keith and NOBODY sees ANYTHING WRONG WITH ALL OF THIS?

What if he ends up in a kill pen? Do you hit up the share holders for bail money?

What if breeding is cancelled because you know Tha Rona...

Imagine a world where the police actually caught and charged the rapists and arsonists, a world where they were not ordered To STAND DOWN by Mayors, and Governors working to destroy our cities a world where the SEC and Attorney General's office did their part and reigned in the scammers of the world. What if the world worked like it was supposed to, and businesses reopened and the media stopped spreading fear and misinfo. Would we all thrive by working together? Why don't those agencies get held accountable for failure to police society properly?

Are Bob Bafferts horse's going to rehab? Is this Rock Bottom?

Oh Look...The Paulick Report is SPONSORED BY "SpendThrift Farms" can't imagine why they would ban me for speaking out about SpendThrift Farms "Seattle Slew's" Offspring being found in the kill pen can you? #Motive XOXO
