The LORD taught me humility and what it was like to be in a wheelchair and physically handicapped on Christmas 2015 when I fell on the ice while walking my dog and broke my ankle and was diagnosed with RSD one of the most painful nerve conditions you can have. After horrendous pain and suffering, about 8 months later Physical Therapy, DMSO and Cannabis Oil became my best friends after I learned about their usefulness and the Cannabis Oil became legal finally, with a prescription at the time. Now you can buy it over the counter and save a small fortune.
While I was in tremendous pain and hobbling around on crutches, a knee scooter or a wheel chair there were two kinds of people - the kind who went out of there way to open the door for a handicapped person and the kind who slammed it in your face. I always swore when I got better if I got better, the Doctors told me at the time I may NEVER walk again- I would do everything I could to help those in my situation. I would race out of my way to get the door for them for example. Maybe that was why I wanted to adopt "Strollin Willie" the horse with the broken cannon bone, for I am a Healer...I had a plan for him. I went through months of extremely challenging and painful physical therapy and got dramatic results, I knew I could help in some capacity...and my experience with my own pain and broken ankle - has resonated with my interest in injured and dying racehorses on the track, for I know the road to walking again is HELL especially when you have RSD, but I also know with the right attitude and the ability to push through the pain, and a proper plan for physical therapy with the right medications, it can be done and you can walk again....with GOD's blessing. As he blessed me 8 months after my injury I could finally walk although somewhat like Bambi on ice, and it took a long long time to get to where I am today.
All that being the case, my empathy for the injured is as strong as ever, so a few months ago when one of our customers could not pay, due to a recent very serious injury, we simply opted to tell her to waive the bill. We were not going to charge her, we would do it for was close to a $300 job. (NOTE: NOBODY helped us financially when I was hurt I had to sell my car and EVEN WORSE my bitcoin (only a few hundred dollars value at the time- (OUCH!!!) to get through...which is fine. But I want to Pay If Forward...there is SO MUCH you can do for someone when they are injured, we have even made dinners for our neighbors we never met when they posted on next door. com they were struggling. We dropped off lasagna and garlic bread for the family. We know it can happen again at anytime if we change the rules (#BeTheChangeYouWantToSeeInTheWorld) maybe next time (hopefully it never happens again...but if it does...) it may just be easier.
We never thought about the bill we forgave again...water under the bridge just doing the right thing. Like donating to horse rescues to save lives from kill pens.
Last weekend we got a phone call from the same lady whose bill we forgave months ago, called in to pay her bill! NOW - during the WORST Pandemic in U.S. history at a time when Google tried to delete our company's listing and 50 five star reviews (we got it back after complaining to the FTC, Better Business Bureau and constant emails to Google Ceo's and FTC), but like every other business out there we are hurting right now and the time it was unlisted only added to the pain.
So this call was GOD working through her helping us a time when it was so badly needed. We were so grateful to get that call! She was recovering and paying everything back from when she was out - even though we had called her to let her know we forgave her debt. GOD works in mysterious ways...we were there when she needed help and it came back to us 100 fold simply because this is an incredibly hard time for all and a true miracle, it would happen during Corona Virus shutdowns. THANK YOU TO OUR CUSTOMERS ALL OF THEM! WE GREATLY APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT! THANK YOU TO GOD for your strategies that see us through these hard times when we know not what to expect.
As Mother Theresa once said, "If you are kind people will accuse you of ulterior motives...Be Kind anyways...." XOXO
Note: This is not an endorsement of the Catholic Church I am still highly pissed off all my donations to the church basket when to pay off Pedophiles.
