Trump bought a $30 million yacht from BILLIONAIRE SAUDI ARABIAN ARMS DEALER ADNAN KHASHOGGI who Trump now brags about getting the Congress to "back off" investigating his nephew, Jamal's, brutal death at the hands of the Saudi Arabian Government. Correction: Adnan Khashoggi is the Uncle of the murdered Jamal Khashoggi who was a journalist.
Jizzlaine Maxwell's Dad Mossad's Robert Maxwell was found dead after allegedly jumping or falling off of his Super Yacht which was ALSO purchased from Billionaire Arms Dealer Adnan Khashoggi.

Trump later lost $10-$11 million when he sold his super yacht back to the Saudi's - but is that any reason to have Arms Dealer Khashoggi's nephew murdered? Why did Donald Trump brag about PROTECTING HIS KILLERS?

Jamal Khashoggi was a journalist his Uncle was a BILLIONAIRE ARMS DEALER.

The Plaza Hotel in Midtown Manhatten New York is prolly NOT going to be housing homeless people due to the fact it costs $50,000 a NIGHT to stay there - HOLY HANNAH! What does that include? WTF?

Whether Trump was elected or Hillary Clinton the Saudi's were going to get their billions of dollars in missiles and arms from the U.S. they had already "paid to play" with $10-$25 MILLION in donations to the Clinton Foundation. XOXO

You got to "Pay to Play" Ivanka Trump accepted $100 MILLION from Saudi Arabia for her "Foundation" to help women business owners.
As a woman business owner I have not received a single penny or grant of any kind from the government, facebook, google or anyone else raising money on "behalf of small businesses" and have never been made aware of any "funds" for such purposes. Nor did I take the PPP. SO where is the money going?
Google even delisted my business when Corona season started as part of their war on small businesses and has in fact ripped me off on ads.

Obama lives around the corner from Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump? Evidently arms dealing pays quite well...XOXO

So David Hogg is trying to take law abiding American's guns and Obama is gun running for Saudi Arabia $115 billion worth of weaponry? WTF?

How did the Saudi Arabians go from purchasing $115 billion in Arms from Obama to only $9 billion under Trump? Are the other $106 billion being sold "under the table" by Donald Trump? Why are we selling the Saudis Weapons? Where is the money going? Is there any chance we can get the next $1200 stimulus check while 1/3 of Americans are losing their homes? Seems like this is a lot of money we should have stashed away for a rainy day somewhere. Maybe we can sell $115 billion worth of weapons and heat seeking guided missiles to Russia and China and bail everyone out, maybe re-open all the restaurants that were closed, fuck national security Trump and Obama are far better sales men then they are Commanders in's not like Saudi Arabia, China or Russia would ever use the $124 billion in weapons they bought from the U.S. Presidents against U.S. citizens would they? Hell throw North Korea on the list, we could use the money. #Lulz :P XOXO

You got to "Pay TO Play" XOXO
