"allegedly" rescued from Jacob Thompson Ship Horses Direct-kill pen in Louisiana, that she later never named or provided updates for claiming two of them were NOT thoroughbreds AFTER the funds were raised. I was told she WOULD NOT give me an update on "Fina Estampa" or the Grandson of Triple Crown Winner "Seattle Slew" named "Dusty Savanelli" that were also allegedly rescued that weekend. (This is just one of countless donations I made to her over 2 years before realizing what a FRAUD and LIAR she is!)
If this is NOT fraud...what is? Randi had a story about a $5 horse and how she used to sit at auction and bid against the kill buyers previously posted to her website (now deleted) she has tweeted even 50 cents matters...yet her gangstalking minions harassed me and laughed at my "$40 donations" and tell me Randi maintains meticulous records.
How can she if it was actually a $60 donation for May 2019. I have a bank statement showing to back it up. XOXO
Hmmm...Randi's lies-all hearsay- versus my documented PROOF...you choose who to believe. XOXO
Hmmm...Randi's lies-all hearsay- versus my documented PROOF...you choose who to believe. XOXO
Just follow up on the horses you donate to IF you choose to believe Randi, what does it hurt? Ask questions, like WHO is doing quarantine? Where? You may be suprised to know it is the killbuyers uncle Erby Thompson? So they take that money and buy MORE horses to make MORE MONEY at auction, MORE are at risk of losing their lives, yet Randi never says to shut them down NOT even during this Pandemic, why is she the ONLY "activist" who NEVER says to shut down the kill pen? Does she work for them, she has told me she "Likes Jacob" who could "like" that sick horse killing piece of shit with 16 counts of animal abuse against him? Quarantine? Where? For HOW LONG? Then what? Why do you bail 5-7 horses a WEEK yet your website only lists that many for adoption? What happened to the others including "Dusty Savanelli" and "Fina Estampa" and the other 2 horses alleged not to be thoroughbreds (#COVERUP) where'd they go? Just donate to ONE horse and follow up on it, make sure it went to a good home. Not hard of me to ask you to do. Don't blindly believe. It is hard to see, but if you look closely soon you too will. Soon you too may have to call her out and be harassed by her legion of gangstalking goons. Do the right thing. XOXO
Note: Last Kentucky Derby (May 2019) $2,000 at Thompson ship horses would get you Five racehorses evidently...then the cost crept up to over $1,000 each (then Randi mysteriously stopped bailing thoroughbreds - bought off by horse racing industry??? Jacob is still shipping them though...and so are all the other killpens who have a HUGE INVENTORY RIGHT NOW in their kill pens of former racehorses). Yet now Randi is asking for $750 EACH for starving and broke down regular horses (NOT THOROUGHBREDS), my...my...my...how these extortionists have raised their prices....
Under REGULAR MARKET CONDITIONS you can find an ex race horse at the tracks for FREE ask NTWO they have hundreds of them they got for free at the track, all unwanted headed to slaughter. Retail price ZERO yet Jacob Thompson charges $1,000 each once he buys them at auction. That is over 1,000% increase OVER MARKET VALUE! What if they were giving greyhounds away free at the track, but the Kill shelters wanted $1,000 EACH for one? Would you call foul?
Now a starved, and injured REGULAR horse has ZERO value if a full working racehorse (THOROUGHBRED) has ZERO market value after it's career has failed. Yet they are charging $750 (Randi Collier and Thompson) now for a broke down starved and beaten horse that has ZERO market value.
If a kill shelter tried to take a 10 year old mixed breed dog, that is almost starved to death with it's ears cut off, and sell it for $1,000 or it will die in three days-would you cry foul? How is this legal?
I am in no way implying that it is not worth the money to save their lives NO HORSE SHOULD EVER FOR ANY REASON BE SHIPPED TO SLAUGHTER-just pointing out the fair market value versus the extortion price. I AM saying that I do not call a horse "safe" in any fashion if you tell me Randi was the one who "saved it". She admits on her own website she has NEVER laid even one hand of compassion on ANY of the horses she posts, how could anyone with a heart NOT comfort them. She leads you to believe she is right there comforting them, but that is so NOT THE CASE-just ask her.
Edit: i found another donation for $25 for Fina and Dusty Savenelli on June 5th for $25 making the total donated to the Kentucky Derby Weekend rescue $85. Yes I think with an $85 donation one should update on the horses when asked...don't you? Unless of course the horses NEVER existed in the first place, or Erby simply gave them back to Jacob to ship or NEVER even bailed them...who the hell knows with that lying ass skank bitch Randi Collier!

You can see Randi here thanking me for saving these "6 thoroughbreds" kentucky Derby weekend. Later calling me "psychotic" when I simply ask for an update...Fishy? U decide. #PayAttention #FollowUP #WhereAreTheHorses, not the freedom ride from the killbuyer to his uncle she posts, the follow up? What happens later? Like "Silver Fin" was recently reported by his new home to be starving and in very poor condition after Randi Collier "saved" him, and was SOLD RECENTLY WITH NO CONTRACT! How many horses that were starving like "Silver Fin" never got adopted and starved to death? How do you know unless you follow up? Your gift only BEGINS with a donation or a shared post, to follow up is the rest of the gift make sure that horse you "Saved" was saved and not shuffled to the next killpen or slaughter house.

Yes I want to see the photos, you never posted photos of the horses you DID rescue, or name them or adopt them. Either you shipped the horses we PAID (see above) to rescue directly to slaughter to cover up the names of the owners...was it Maggi Moss? Or was Jacob or Randi paid off by someone else to conceal their identity and avoid animal cruelty charges (not that it ever happens to the racehorse owners when we routinely find their former racehorses they claim to love in kill pens)-but it will save some twitter animal rights activists harassment and avoid embarrassment for sure-a small price for these snakes to pay. Either way, there was no photo as proof that there were two horses rescued that weekend that did NOT have tattoos. So either four were rescued which we do not know where they are now, or six were and two were shipped or they never existed in the first place and randi pocketed the cash? I guess we will never know.

Who would pay to cover this up and why???? Hmmmm...any ideas?
Perhaps it was the same entity that felt threatened by my Twitter account and had it removed?

Here are more donations to Randi Collier before she killed Strollin Willie less then 4 months later. I made more payments then this - this is just my bank statements not including credit cards. I made MANY MANY DONATIONS in 2017 and 2018, this is an idea of how many I am not taking the time to post ALL my bank statements for the last two years, but if you look at these two, you can see I HAD a pattern of donating often.
