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It's been 6 or 7 months since I reported getting doxxed by Debra Jane Cutledge

@knobcreekfarms - Leah and Virt Kershaw of Fort Collins Landscaping in Colorado, and Randi Collier @Soulhorses-and @Ntwoorg Victoria Keith and Maggi Moss, Dick Welty and Equine Crusaders - endorsed by the Louisiana Union Parrish Sheriff's office.

I reported the crime to the Hennepin County Police Dept (Minneapolis PD) through their online web crime portal, nobody GAVE A SINGLE FUCK- so I e-mailed the Chief of Police directly-again NOBODY GAVE A SINGLE FUCK OR GOT BACK TO ME-they are not here to protect us-DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT PROTECTING US! I even followed up a month or two or so ago- AGAIN no reply.

Now it appears as though the Minneapolis Police Dept (Hennepin County) are going to understand what it feels like to be doxxed. I got doxxed for supporting a horse rescue I thought was legit at the time, and donated too - by an opposing horse rescue - and their organized crime minions who now work for the horse rescue I donated to, and harass people for Randi Collier @soulhorses AND NTWO @ntwoorg @maggimoss @fhvictoriakeith. Still endorsed by the Union Parrish Sheriff's office in Louisiana.

Evidently the police across the country now have their hands full after they murdered George Floyd in cold blood, and have done severe damage to the black/white/multi-racial community, and now the ENTIRE community is fighting back. A legion of all races, that has spread like wildfire throughout our country showing what we knew to be true all along - United We Stand...Divided We Fall...

Last night, allegedly Anonymous dropped a video - with revelations the police who are taking billy clubs, pepper spray, and rubber bullets, to the crowd-AFTER one of their own, killed George Floyd in cold blood in front of a live - televised audience; are about to be doxxed. Now that George Floyd is in jail they will have to move the dozens of officers protecting his home, to some of their own thin can that blue line be spread? We will find out...#OneLove #OpUnity XOXO

Note: Shortly after the video was dropped the Minneapolis Police Dept (Hennepin County) police department's website was dropped offline.

Links to Forbes and other news sites reporting in:

The police are not understanding the the above video cop kicks peaceful protestor (HARD) knocking HER over in Lake Erie. She was maced and kicked. :( This is why every single building in Minneapolis right now, and most likely St. Paul- say ACAB and FTP spraypainted on them. The city of Minneapolis will fine the business owners if they do not cover up the graffiti, I know as a former bookkeeper Space Unlimited had many of those graffiiti bills they had to pay after their buildings got tagged and they failed to repaint it in time for the fine. Should the business owners be responsible for the repainting or the Minneapolis PD since they caused all this damage? Maybe if the business owners stood up too- they wouldn't get hit with the bills. The 3rd precinct prolly won't need any painting after it was burned down, but the other Minneapolis police depts are all tagged up too with ACAB and FTP-I wonder how long it takes for them to repaint or if they will hit themselves with a fine for getting graffiti'd? Fair is fair...XOXO

All of the Minneapolis buildings and police departments have been tagged up with ACAB and FTP if you wish to report to the police dept directly any FTP or ACAB graffiti (especially in relation to THEIR OWN POLICE DEPARTMENTS) here is the link...evidently after the DDOS alleged attacks you now have to pass a Captcha...#Lulz :P

After the ENTIRE CITY of MINNEAPOLIS BURNS FOR FIVE DAYS STRAIGHT and the 3rd precinct burns to the ground complete with fireworks only a delusional nut job like Trump would BRAG about his reaction-the city is GONE! Every building is looted, burned and tagged with ACAB AND FTP-this is not a WIN for Trump-so damn stupid this guy...Unfuckingbelievable...XOXO

As Trump brags about how Great a job he is doing in Minneapolis, one of only 2 Medical Cannabis centers that can disperse medical cannabis to cancer victims and chronic pain sufferers, THOSE WHO NEED ACCESS THE MOST TO THEIR MEDICINE, CAN NOT REFILL THEIR PRESCRIPTIONS AT THIS TIME- because our city is in FACT NOT UNDER CONTROL-if it was the Cannabis medical centers would be open. This is a clear sign of exactly how dangerous and dillusional the President truly is.

Note: Minnesota is NOT under control when DYING CANCER PATIENTS and MAKE NO MISTAKE that is WHO this lab services, many dying today and this week UNABLE TO GET THEIR MEDICINE to comfort them in their FINAL MOMENTS NOW!!! The patients can NOT stock up on this-there is a 30 day limit-on what you can buy-you have to wait until the EXACT day you can buy again, to re-buy so if that happened in the last FEW DAYS ALL THOSE PATIENTS ARE GOING WITHOUT MEDICINE FOR CHRONIC PAIN AND CANCER RIGHT NOW AND THE LAB IS SHUT DOWN DUE TO PROTESTS! AND DONALD TRUMP SO STUPIDLY BRAGS IT IS UNDER CONTROL-THE WHOLE COUNTRY IS BURNING DOWN NOW-LOOK AT DRUDGE REPORT RIGHT NOW~


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