is going to "drain the swamp" he IS the alligator is NEVER going to drain his own is a silly line of thinking. Did the government's own police find anything wrong after 47 horses died at Santa Anita, was it the track like we all know has pockets contributing to their 'mis-steps' or the drugs we all know the many horses to be on, that other states have found meth, coke and even rat poison in their bloodstreams? Is it the lasix? Is it racing them before their bones are fully grown? What did the autopsies show? Surely there was many arrests for all the thoroughbreds we found in the kill pen this year and all the ones whose autopsies clearly showed drugs or animal cruelty. Wait there wasn't!!! NOT ONE INFRACTION was found in ALL 47 deaths, the government came in and gave all the horseman and their trainer's a pass. Nobody was found guilty-play on and the carnage continued 3 dead horses in 3 days last weekend alone at Santa Anita.
So thinking the HRIA will change anything is like EastSide High before Joe Clark got there. It most definitely was NOT the government that changed EastSide High in the movie "Lean On Me..." It was the man they referred to as "Crazy Joe Clark." The government CREATED East Side High, a high school where the majority of it's students never graduated, a high school that more closely resembled a prison then a high school, a school full of drugs, drug dealers and the problems that go with them. Joe Clark saw the potential in the "good apples" those who could go on to make something of their lives and he saw the "bad apples" that were standing in the way of that potential. He risked his own life to create the change that Eastman high and this country for that matter desperately needed. He wasn't driven by politics or money it was his own integrity and his own belief against ALL ODDS that Eastman High was worth saving and the good apples could become somebody's with good jobs and good lives without the bad apples spoiling the bunch. So he did whatever it took to make that happen.
The HRIA is no different. The HRIA IS Eastman High School, it is NOT Joe Clark. So que "Danny Boy" because without Joe Clark, and let's face it that was a movie, and there is NO Joe Clark on the horizon for horse racing, and without that last hope or hail mary pass of change, horse racing is doomed.
Animal Rights Activists and Anonymous have been fighting the government for change for longer then you can imagine. They know the government isn't going to fix anything the only ones who believe that, already know it won't change anything and that is why they are willing to pass the bill. The government is always happy to take more control over things and create new taxes, however if they were going to fix anything they would have ALREADY ended the slaughter of the 100,000 horses who are shipped to slaughter across the borders EVERY YEAR when animal cruelty became a FEDERAL FELONY in November 2019. The government would have ALREADY cleaned it up and arrested the "bad apples" when it "investigated" Santa Anita. As we already know the government has ALREADY failed horse racing last year with those two measures alone. Last year we did not have the media, we had the streets and the internet, this year we have the streets, the media and the internet, horse racing was no match for us last this year add in the I said "time to cue Danny Boy..." XOXO
"Oh Danny Boy...the Pipes the Pipes are calling...from glen to glen and down the mountain side. The summer's gone and all the roses falling; it's you; it's you must go and i must abide."
