Who THE FUCK teaches a child this small to whip a horse... an injured and abused horse once trained by Steve Asmussen no less...who PETA has video taped abusing horses - including catching his jockey shocking them at the finish line. Hasn't "Silver Fin" had enough abuse? Who is raising a child to whip an animal? Would you let this child adopt a dog from your rescue with that whip? I sure the HELL WOULD NOT...like I said before what the hell does Randi Collier do with these horses once she allegedly "saves" them from kill pens... Bruce is right and finally these horse racing insiders are calling out the right people...(those who started the war on horse racing-Maggi Moss, Victoria Keith, Randi Collier, Claudia O'Neal, & Dick Welty all alleged moles...this is exactly why I have ZERO respect for Randi Collier and her so called "rescue"...no wonder people talk shit about her all over the internet. She is NO advocate for horses...as you can clearly see...XOXO
Maybe in hindsight NTWO realizes using my Dead Mom's obituary photo to troll people was slightly a bad idea with very bad repercussions for the horse racing industry.
Maybe one day Randi Collier will face justice for her actions as well...at least the horse racing community now knows who is responsible for starting this war...a war they lost....a war taht is too far gone for them to save horse racing. XOXO
Note: Look at that whip - that is NO riding crop...NO legitimate rescue let's animal abusers adopt a horse, I am not blaming the child. I am blaing her parents and the rescue Soul Horse Equus AKA @Soulhorses AKA Randi Collier AKA Soul Horse TX for allowing this. Someone bought that little girl a whip and showed her how to hit horses with it. #AnimalCruelty
