Shouldn't they both be in cells next to each other after the whole Cambridge Anyalytica scandal? At a time when all of the major facebook pages have been systematically removed by Facebook, pages such as CopBlock or Natural News, Police The Police, Anti Vaccine pages, Anti Monsanto pages, thousands and thousands of pages taken down policed by Facbook thwarting Free Speech at every turn-shouldn't the President of the United States be condemning Twitter and FB for violating Americans rights to Free Speech? Not DINING out with them bragging about their status on there? So what if you are #1 Trump? Only because all of the other pages have been removed (including mine)...Anyone speaking truth or fighting for justice including many Patriots have lost their voices...yet Trump proudly endorses Zuck The Cuck at a time he should be fighting for their Free Speech...XOXO
A reminder of all the pages FB has taken down-Right Wing News, Anti-Media, FreeThought Project, The Resistance, Reasonable People Unite, Anti Vaccine pages Anti Monsanto pages
Another link to pages FaceBook has "unpublished" here...
"Trump's Biggest Fan" "Uncle Sam's Misguided Children" "Coalition For Trump" "Boycott the NFL" "The Trump Times" "Drain The Swamp" "Walk Away From The Democrat Platform"
"Americans Against Nancy Pelosi" "The Unhinged Left" "The Donald Trump Political Movement" "Hillary Clinton Sucks" "USA Conservative" "Melania Trump America's First Lady" "Joe The Plumber" "America's Freedom Fighters" "Infidels Against Islam" "Eleventh-Hour Patriots" "Deplorable Patriots" The Angry Conservative-Truth" "Nation In Distress" "American Freedom"
"Operation Jade Helm" "The Deplorable Party" "Taxation Is Theft" "Hillary Clinton For Prison" "The 2nd Amendment" "Vets Before Illegals" "Manly Men" "Anonymous News"
"Get Involved You Live Here" "Legalizing Cannabis" "Being Libertarian" "TheAnonNews" "Anti-Gmo Foods and Flouridated Water"
