We don't though...the Catholic Church spent over $4 Billion paying off it's victims of it's Child Molester Priests, Joel Osteen lives in a multi million dollar house, meanwhile the Las Vegas Strip Club Deja Vu donated $50,000 in warm tents and clothes for homeless people. Those who are not homeless are complaining though because they don't like the logo. Here's an idea...if you don't like the Deja Vu label on the tents, then call the companies you do like and ask why they are not putting tents with their companies logo on the streets...call Macy's and Nordstroms, call the Catholic Churches and Jewish Synagogues, call Joel Osteen, ask why NOT ONE of them bothered to give the homeless tents or warm donated clothing? Don't call the city and ask for them to be removed until you have found a solid replacement...until then it's not Deja Vu you are mad at, it is all of the above mentioned companies, churches and synagogues who DO NOTHING...Thank you #DejaVu for providing this very needed very valuable resource of warm clothing and tents, it seems our homeless have been entirely forgotten… #OpSafeWinter
