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Imagine finding high levels of LEAD in your child's drinking water...

Imagine hearing that 12 people died who drank this water and 90 people were sickened with Legionnaire's disease from drinking it. Then this...(excerpt from PBS.Org) "The Michigan Attorney General's Office under Bill Schuette's administration accused Busch and Prysby of altering lead levels in their reports to make Flint's water appear safe to drink.

They were each charged with four felonies and two misdemeanors in April 2016. They pleaded no contest one year ago to misdemeanors under an agreement requiring them to provide truthful testimony against other defendants for Flint water crisis investigators.

Under the agreement, their cases would be dismissed after a year if they provided the testimony." Link

After all that Detroit has set aside $10 million to deal with what is now a "State of Emergency" as declared by Governor Rick Snyder.

Now this is where it gets interesting...while the children in Flint Michigan were getting lead in their bloodstreams and fighting for their lives, while there brains are getting permenantly damaged...(while the city fudged the #s of lead in the water INTENTIONALLY) then only $10 million was throw at the "problem to fix it" AFTER a state of emergency-

during that same time frame Detroit - WAYNE COUNTY spent $33 MILLION IN TAX PAYER DOLLARS TO SUBSIDIZE THE HORSE RACING TRACK!!! More money was spent to subsidize a horse racing track (which ultimately failed shortly after opening and is accused of having "shoddy accounting" go figure...then on the water and health of it's TAX PAYING water drinkers who are now dead or dying. This is what opening up your community to a horse race track gets you. #CheckThePriceAndPayAttention Your water could look like this too, and your kids could also get lead induced poisoning and brain damage while your tax dollars and spent on the Horse Race Track (which is like burning the dollars in a fiery inferno as it failed right after it opened).


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