Let's find out shall we? XOXO
Dear GOD,
Please unite our hearts minds and souls as ONE in prayer as we focus our intent to put out these wildfires in Australia healing our planet and aiding and strengthening their fire fighting force. Please extinguish all of the remaining infernos and spare what is left of the human and animal populations and their respective homes....From our friends prayers "Let us pray for sufficient rains where the fires are to put them out and give the animals enough to drink. Grant that enough rain comes where it's needed that the natural balance of nature can begin to be restored"
"Not too much rain, gentle sustained rain. The land is too dry to soak it up."
"Focus on the rain falling over all of Australia. See it and envision it......…"
"Stall the winds while you are asking for rain ask for the winds to stall as well."
Let us pray for sufficient rains where the fires are to put them out and give the animals enough to drink. Grant that enough rain comes where it's needed that the natural balance of nature can begin to be restored.
Let us pray for sufficient rains where the fires are to put them out and give the animals enough to drink. Grant that enough rain comes where it's needed that the natural balance of nature can begin to be restored.Amen...<3 _/\_
Here is a link to rain sounds on youtube, it will help you focus your intent if needed...
Update: I added a logistics map as a visual aid...
Second Update: I am adding in another vibration 963 hz in tune with the gentle rain vibrations...
Update: A friend of ours has added the PERFECT visual from Twitter-thank you to all who joined in and thank you to those who contributed thoughts and ideas I LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Update: 1/5/20 3:54 U.S. Central Time The Rain is here!!! GOD is great! Our prayers are being answered there is a thin long line of rain across Australia-a light rain exactly like we prayed for ! Lord hear our prayer...Amen #TogetherWeCanDoGreatThings #OpUnity #OneLove XOXO
