No longer recognizable. Completely destroyed, as in a war zone-Wednesday night. Tonight Trump hides in a Bunker and our Attorney General of MN reps Antifa. Yet it wasn't Antifa - for the most part-I am sure they had their fun - that did this.
These were dilapidated buildings to begin with, and there is no doubt, the owners of the buildings will be fairly compensated at a time the entire real estate market for commercial properties are all dead, especially in this area after countless businesses closed after Corona Virus mandatory closures. Just like Larry Silverstein came up after 9/11 on his insurance policies of the Twin Towers, no doubt these building owners with the burning of their insured dilapidated buildings will too. SO I do not feel bad for the buildings. I feel bad for the small business owners who rented from them, however Corona Virus wiped most of them outs, you can not blame those seeking Justice for George Floyd for the destruction of their businesses, they were mostly destroyed BEFORE the looting and burning began.
I can't describe the damage as heartbreaking, I used to live in the area, burning down and rebuilding a better society is a beautiful thing, NONE of those buildings were up to code, and that means people would inevitably get hurt in them. Building cleaner safer buildings is better for the whole community and creates jobs.
What we do know is the next Cop who thinks he can kill one of us, any of us - regardless of race or colors, better think twice, because this entire nation will burn if he/she does...and I don't think there is anyone out there that at this point, would dispute that statement, and Trump hiding in his Bunker-can't even handle D.C. his own hood- let alone come tell us what the hell to do with ours.
We locals KNOW what to do, listen to them, #BeTheChange rebuild-like I said rezone the city so it is Minority owned, put a HUGE park in the middle - make it gorgeous like Central Park, something we can remember George Floyd by, and this moment. Let the business owners and building owners collect their insurance and leave. Then let food trucks and tiny houses, re-zone to allow for these-come in and if they are owned by People of Color, they can operate in the city of Minneapolis. It's their city. Let them own the condos, or tiny homes, food trucks, restaurants and office buildings. Build Co-ops, for grocery stores and community gardens, in the square around the park. Be the Phoenix that rises from the ashes, we lost nothing - we have EVERYTHING TO GAIN - including the respect our people deserve-all of us! Press charges IMMEDIATELY AGAINST ALL FOUR OFFICERS INVOLVED!!! They have arrested countless protestors while letting the murderers run free to kill do protestors feel safe at peaceful protestors with these 3 other murderers on the street, what if george floyd posts bail...nobody is SAFE with these three officers still out on the streets ready to kill again. It is intentional that our failed leadership across the board has YET to bring charges against them, it is THEIR FAULT THE CITY BURNED TO THE GROUND NOBODY ELSE TO BLAME...Like Trump says on this stupid shit realty T.V. show the blame is at the Top. The top is hiding now in a Bunker while our city turned into a war zone 5 days ago.
Again going back to the economics. In the Monopoly game you collect $200 when you pass go, and that is a big piece missing from our "capitalist system", we need to collect $3,000 a month. There is enough treasure on the bottom of the worlds ocean $772 trillion in treasure for 43 years to finance ALL OF US ON THE PLANET!!! No more child support, no more jailing the community members for failing to pay, or charging exorbitant amounts to millionaire NFL players, etc. fair across the board EVERY CHILD'S parents gets $1500 per month per child and when the child turns 18 they get $300,000 (the other $1500 put in a bank account - trust fund - on their behalf) when they graduate they have enough to buy a house, furniture a wedding. schooling, start a business or co-op-that is how you rebuild, that is how you THRIVE! Let's do this...
Note: Before we can rebuild the city we need to take inventory of what we are working with and as of Wednesday night, many, many days ago now, my whole entire ex neighborhood is completely destroyed. Bombed out destroyed. Nothing left. FUBAR.
Watch the drone video.
