in America right now. I've been there...done that...the struggle is real. We are not "all in this together" there are people having mental break downs who are about to be evicted because they lost their job or business. There are people having mental breakdowns because they are forced to close, and will NOT make it financially. People who have no friends or family to live with or borrow from, or whose friends and family are all in the same boat they are in-facing homelessness themselves! There are people who will be forced into homelessness due to this "plandemic" and are losing their minds.
Then there are those on the backside of racetracks who have been told they can not shower, or are forced to leave by Evangeline Downs, with no where to go, no where for their horses to go, even having a restraining order taken out on them by said Casino (before being called back only a MONTH later-now that racing has officially started up again in Louisiana...what kind of shit is that?) Many racehorses are now showing up in kill pens across America. There are "fire sales" by former racehorse trainers who no longer feel they are supported by those who are supposed to help them, those INSIDE RACING-as I've said all along. I HATE seeing these horses sold 'cheap' knowing only kill buyers are interested at this time, kill buyers who are absolutely thriving during this Plandemic and NEVER FORCED ONCE TO CLOSE- but at least when these former racehorse trainers go out of business they have the balls to blame the racehorse industry and not cry wolf at PETA like Maggi Moss does.
Then there are celebrities who are not facing homelessness, with bowling alleys in their homes, swimming pools, and basketball courts who could go the rest of their lives without a paycheck and never sweat a drop.
Forcing people into homelessness is WORSE then forcing them to work during a "plandemic", at least there is a 65% chance of recovering from the Corona Virus, once you get it, once you get evicted for not paying rent there is a 0% chance of ever renting again for the next seven years. Homeless people risk infectious diseases, not being able to shower and wash their hands. We may have avoided the "corona virus " but by doubling the homeless population, we are only increasing our odds of dying from the NEXT plandemic, how many more of these before we are ALL homeless? These businesses closing now, including a P.F. Changs restaurant, the entire chain of Pier 1 Imports, and countless other businesses and restaurants who applied for "payroll loans" and were entirely ignored, will be closing soon. The jobs lost will create a downward spiral for our economy taking us all down with it.
Trump voters said they would "Drain the Swamp"...instead the Swamp is draining them. This is what happens when you do NOT fight for your rights. Notice in Wisconsin they are open the Governor lost in court when he tried to close everything down, Wisconsin stood up-California didn't that is why they have 3 more months of lock down then Wisconsin. Now more then ever the survival of this country is in the hands of it's people-will they stand up? Or will America breathe it's last breath as everyone loses their homes again like 17 million people did in 2008, and were bought up by foreign investors?
How awkward to explain to the Native Americans. Well-it was the Big Banks who fucked you over and never paid you for the land. Then they sold Americans YOUR LAND (which you should have been paid for), and the Americans TOO lost their lands to the Big Banks. So when you come to reclaim your land, you may want to check with the banks first, it is most likely resold to foreign entities. Banks got bailed out we got sold out. We stood up against Wall Street...where the fuck were you? If you did NOT if you were NOT there, or even worse if you made fun of us, this PLANDEMIC IS ON YOU!
America KNEW this would happen, they were warned! They CHOSE to not talk about it, not do anything to "drain the swamp" CHOSE to fight each other blue/red black/white cop/not cop etc...take a knee, don't take a knee, Trump/Hillary, any and every which way the media wind blew to divide us instead of fighting the powers that be, who fucked us all over, we are here watching each other fight, as America spirals down into the toilets.
WE TOLD YOU during Harvey, Florence, Florida PanHandle and Puerto Rico-take your pick- Trump could have saved those people and CHOSE NOT TOO-why would this plandemic be ANY different?
Lastly- I have laid out several solutions to avoid this "Plandemic" #EndTheFed is one, replace them with the $772 trillion in treasure in the bottom of the world's ocean as cited by Forbes magazine. It is enough to give ALL OF US (even kids) $3,000 a month for the next 43 years NOT A ONE TIME CHECK OF $1200 which won't cover the rent for a one bedroom apartment let alone the electric, water, and laundry bills -in 90% of America. But $3,000 per month per person, for the next 43 years, in a 3rd world country or in America would not matter-the ENTIRE PLANET WOULD THRIVE RIGHT NOW IF YOU LISTENED TO ME...
I laid out a plan to build $4,000 tiny homes for EVERY SINGLE HOMELESS PERSON in the U.S. it is called #OpRobinHood, you may have read it on my blog. We take the $8 billion in horse racing welfare they get every year and use it to house the homeless. Had this been done, when it was called for, several months ago, EVERY HOMELESS PERSON OUT THERE RIGHT NOW WOULD HAVE A HOME TO QUARANTINE IN-ALL OF OUR LIVES would be less at risk NOW for Corona Virus and ALL of the shelters would be open, ready for new homeless victims not closed or full. Then we could use the horse racing money (welfare) for next year and ALL OF YOU now facing homelessness would have had a new $4,000 tiny home with a small yard. #ProblemSolved
Instead you refused to stand up. You STILL think voting will change things, you refuse to acknowledge it is the Federal Reserve making the decisions and ROBBING YOU BLIND while making you homeless and stealing your businesses. The Fed Reserve willy nilly picks and chooses what businesses will survive this plandemic or not...and we are allowing them to do so....You made your lie in it. As for those of you who have stood up, who have warned people and who have been helping the horses, who do more then just selfish acts for yourself, my thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. May GOD spare you from the worst of what is to come. Love and Prayer.
Note: What if the Governors who forced businesses to close, and ran them into the ground, and forced Americans to lose their jobs, chose to rezone their areas to allow for the building of these $4,000 tiny homes with yards? What if our President chose to give everyone $5,000, Would we end homelessness? We have given the banks over $12 trillion now, which is $12,000 Billion dollars...a billion dollars 12,000 times over. Enough to give all of us over $50,000 each! Would we be hurting so bad? Would we feel more in control of our destiny would we then all be in this together? If we can't look out for the least of our breathren, as Jesus said, what you do for them you do for me-if we can't look out for them, how can we call ourselves "Christians?" XOXO
Note: Those in the racehorse industry were the ONLY ones who knew their livlihood was at risk BEFORE the plandemic, they were at least warned, they had time to liquidate their assets and find good homes for their horses before this hit, the rest of us were all caught 100% off guard with no warning, how will this karma effect the illuminati? I thought they had to warn people first to avoid bad karma? Instead the swamp drained those fighting it instead while the killpens stayed open the entire time.
Update 5/21/20 - This just in-evidently I was wrong the illuminati DID warn us back in 1993 on this episode of the Simpsons...XOXO
