website which the trolls (Epic Llama Show, NTWO, Equine Crusaders had removed violating my First Amendment Right to Free Speech). Who knows maybe even Soul Horse TX had them removed.
As I stated before I had ZERO knowledge of Randi Collier's finances. I do not know what she did with the fortune she took in after Hurricane Harvey that was supposed to be spent saving the dogs and cats that we all rescued. I do not know where the horses are that Randi Collier claims to have rescued after parting with Marcia and Sabrina Alvarez almost a year ago now. I especially do not know the whereabouts of the Grand Son of a Triple Crown Winner "Dusty Savanelli" or "Fina Espinoza" or any of the other 4 thoroughbreds we rescued that Kentucky Derby weekend are, last known to be boarded with the kill buyers uncle Erby Thompson in Louisiana despite the fact the kill buyer is/was facing 10 allegations/charges of animal cruelty. Not sure where that case is at...more stonewalling in Louisiana.
Horses that I donated for vet care included "Cisco" whom I nicknamed the "Bluest Eyes In Texas" was last seen online being sold by Katherine Raby Jones in Oklahoma for "cheap". Very sad to see that. Actually horrifying. Worse is Randi Collier's response when you ask where the horses went? Where do they go? Why don't you ever see anyone say "THANK YOU" if they just got a FREE HORSE bailed by the public, wouldn't you? If I wanted to save a cat or dog from being killed that night in a shelter and someone else offered to pay for that pet, I was about to receive I know I would definitely tag everyone involved and say thank you and make a pretty meme prolly...why doesn't ANYONE ELSE who manages to get a free horse they LOVE and will give a good home too? Where are these homes? Why are there no updates? Why am I told to "fuck off" or I am "harassing her" when I ask where the money went? Money I donated. So here is the paper trail including money I donated for "Strollin Willie" a retired racehorse with a broken cannon bone I adopted and paid for and was given as a "gift" by Randi Collier. However "Strollin Willie" died immediately after I had a falling out with Randi Collier on Twitter. I still have not seen a non blacked out death certificate, with his proper name on it. Randi Collier gave me a document with his name spelled wrong and had the vet's name blacked out. She said that she did not want the trolls to harass the vet so she would not give me the information I requested on the horse I sponsored previously. I had returned the horse - which never left Randi Collier's care I was paying for it's board there due to it's broken leg, I did not feel moving it across the country to a very ice cold climate was in his best interest at the time, I thought he was in the best hands possible. After Randi Collier gave out my name and phone # and it was posted online along with pictures of my home and countless lies and harassing comments and my identity was stolen and videos involving Randi Collier and accounts made with my stolen photo from facebook-fake accounts made impersonating me with the intent to publicly humiliate me- which are still on the internet - including YOUTUBE despite almost a years worth of reporting it to multiple law enforcement agencies, including the Louisiana Attorney General's Office and the Louisiana Parrish Police Department, The Colorado Police Department, the Hennepin County Police Department and the Carver County Police Department and Twitter.
I have always said "Follow the Paper Trail" that is why I am posting my receipts. I do not have a horse, or a farm or board horses, never have. I have only DONATED to horse rescue despite what any troll has said online, or any stolen identity alleges. ALL UNTRUE. I have NEVER received even $1 FROM Soul Horse TX or any other form of charity or GO Fund Me. I have only DONATED to save lives. I have NEVER received a refund from SOUL HORSE TX despite her publicly offering one. Despite publicly asking Randi Collier AKA @SoulHorses for one.
Furthermore, I am posting these receipts so you can see how long I have been involved. For two years now, I have been actively weekly, monthly donating to Soul Horse TX to save these horses and sponsored one. I put my money where my mouth is, to create change. Everyone of the horses I saw fighting for their lives in the kill pen mattered to me, they ALL deserve better. I thought I could trust Randi Collier, in the beginning Marcia and Sabrina were doing an excellent job of taking care of Randi Collier's rescue horses, it wasn't until after they parted ways about a year ago, I began to have my doubts about her. Now when I ask questions as to WHO is caring for these horses I get nothing back but threats to call the police, or I am told to fuck off - even publicly. When you look at all the times I donated and all the effort I put into help Randi Collier save these horses - I thought at the time were going to good homes, and some do, and some did, yet some remain unaccounted for. Too many to let this go unsaid.
I will post the receipts to the front page of this website just do to formatting issues for this blog, then post a link here when I am finished, this takes a while. XOXO
Link to my donations (there is a lot more then this but you will get the idea...) XOXO
