I charged $114 on a credit card and my credit took a TWENTY POINT HIT!!! UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE!!! WTF!!! This is HOW DIRTY THE DAMN BANKS ARE...SEE THIS SHIT!!! Is this a WAR on Christians? Anyone who charges during December takes a HUGE hit on their credit...
If you speak out against the banks I guess you are lucky to even have a credit score...after countless certified letters over the last 3 years including letters to my credit cards which said they were sending my reports to Transunion so it is not them,I still do not even have a credit score with Transunion.
This is the MOST CORRUPT SYSTEM ON THIS PLANET!!! Look at how rigged this really is... Join Credit Karma so you can see how they FUCK YOU OVER it is free...XOXO #DirtyBASTARDS
Note: I had one more picture to add to this wix is censoring it so I will ad it to my next post. It shows I make ALL of my payments on time and have NOTHING derogatory on there...just one simple charge for $114 for Christmas...is all that was...#DirtyBastards
All of the department stores offer additional 15 or 20% off if you use your credit card to purchase, so I did. They don't tell you your credit score will take a 20 point hit which will cost you a lot more in the long run then the little $15 I saved...FUCK THAT SHIT!
This is why those who remain silent are not neutral they are on the side of the oppressor...
Obama bailed out the banks $9 trillion...
