TODAY and become a five star motion picture-no script change needed! HUGE SHOUT OUT to all the animal rights activists, and common decent people, including those previously involved in the sport, those who have worked at the racetracks, and even those who went to high school next to the track, countless VERY ARTICULATE AND WELL SPOKEN people stood up to state FACTS why horse racing is cruel and needs to shut down, and each and every time the counsel refused to acknowledge or even thank the speakers as would be polite conversation for their comments, they were entirely ignored. However all of their comments are on the record. The notes from the 11/21/19 California Horse Racing Board Meeting, hundreds of pages in their entirety are an exciting and thrilling read worthy of a box of macaroons or a glass of wine and a nice hot relaxing Epsom or bubble bath - no doubt, you will not be disappointed. Over and over time and again, these ANGELS stand up and voice their concerns of abuses they have witnessed and statistics that are undeniable and it takes a special talent to just talk over and ignore them, and I assure as more and more horses bodies pile up, as this motion picture hits the theaters those who chose to ignore these outspoken and highly articulate and entirely well educated and informed leaders, will soon learn to regret those actions. For now it is laughable as one reads this like a plot straight out of an Erin Brockovitch movie, only instead of one woman trying to be the voice of many, there are LEGIONS of powerhouses lending their voice to the cause. Well done, very well done...the horses would be entirely impressed and proud of each and every one of you who spoke up at this meeting on their behalf and lent them your voice and witnessing presence, I know I sure the hell am!!! Hats off to you!!! BRAVO!!! #Impressive!!! #Epic!!! #FIVESTARS There is much material here to cover, so the next week I will be updating my blog with quotes from the eloquent speakers (ANGELS) who made their way to the is not often I am stunned and impressed - tonight I admit I am - very, very well done my friends...brilliant-the whole lot of you!!! Thank you, thank you THANK YOU on behalf of my own heart, and all of the horses effected by your action, and the butterfly effect you have put in motion...much LOVE AND RESPECT TO YOU ALL on this fine evening...XOXO
