Harvey Weinstein has DOZENS of sexual misconduct victims...his bail has increased now from $1 million to $2 million AFTER he had 57 ankle monitor violations!!! 57 ANKLE MONITOR VIOLATIONS and he is STILL OUT ON BAIL!
Contrast that with Hal Parker in Louisiana whose charges include allegedly stealing a horse, that was found in a killpen once owned by Maggi Moss named "Felonious Friend", and starving horses. Yet the neighbors never reported the smell of rotting horses in a hot Louisiana sun, although a female attorney lives right next door. How can it be? How can you even get fresh air living next to rotting horse carcasses? How do you NOT smell that? How do you NOT need to open a window where you would find NO RELIEF from the smell???The "evidence"- the video supposedly made by NTWO, whose own member Attorney and $50 million racehorse earner Maggi Moss is on tape here saying she DOES NOT EVEN KNOW NTWO- link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSIqtb13N0Y
The video they made shows live red blood on a horse with a rotted corpse, how can it be? There are allegations the Sheriff Dusty Gates also was boarding horses at Hal Parkers. Why isn't he being harassed like Dina Albarano is for the same thing if so? Furthermore, the same people who made the allegations against Hal Parker, a person I have never met, nor do I have an opinion on starving horses or not, just that those accusing him are not credible. They have stolen my identity, including my Facebook photos and made fake Twitter accounts with them, they have stolen my Mother's obituary photo and used it to troll me and others. They made fake accounts and videos in my name and used it to emberass, harass me, and allegedly harass Soul Horse TX, thought now in hindsight she may have been bought off and a part of it. XOXO
Now Hal's Bail was finally made last month, no idea where the case is at - almost a year later after he was arrested and spent at least 8 months in jail over this, because not everyone can afford a million dollars in bail like Harvey Weinstein, not everyone can get house arrest and even those who do - not all can violate it 57 times and still be on house arrest. There are TWO justice systems in our country, those for people who can afford attorneys and those for people who use public pretenders... XOXO
Note: Any horses "rescued"from Hal Parker most if not all DIED in the many months of care with the Union Parrish (Louisiana) Sheriff's office and later some died at NTWO after they "adopted"them, they were then euthanized.
