I haven't used FB in a few months and no longer plan to...#DeleteFacebook since #ZuckTheCuck intentionally uses it to push his political agenda and silence pretty much everyone who speaks the truth on vaccines, and the government, even silenced the peacemakers...anyone notice that lately? They all seem to be missing. Oh ya, by design once they had thousands of followers, and were leaders in the peace keeping community FB would just shut down their pages like it did mine. I watched it happen over and over to people. I said something every time. Did you? I knew this would not end well, and here we are. Oops FB took down all their pages, I warned this could be problematic but those FASCIST PIGS did nothing to get them their pages back even though some of them only talked about peace and love, when the love is gone it is time to pack up and go. #NoLOVEAtFaceBook all that is left is hate and division. It is unbalanced. The vibe went bad. So enough of that outdated social media platform and while I am at it #FuckTwitter too. #DirtyBird
So evidently some of you - or this is a lie - I don't trust the mainstream media and neither should you- but evidently some of you still have a FB live button? Can someone confirm if that is the case? I haven't seen a FB live video in years.
However all that being the case, the media is stating a former police officer was killed on Facebook live tonight? Shot dead in front of everyone on facebook and everyone just left him there to bleed out. Maybe nobody wanted to catch Corona-is the RONA fear still rampant on the streets? IDK...doubt that's why I see a lot of protestors wearing masks and soldiers too Trump had them lined up on the capital steps and they did NOT want to show their face. I found it odd though that the government did not issue facemasks to their soliders if "Corona Virus" was not a hoax. I am always hearing stories about how the military is always lacking the necessary equipment. This is an EPIC FAIL on the Corona Virus hoax, if it is real they ALL SHOULD HAVE HAD ON HOSPITAL MASKS...yet they all had to provide their own and some sorry souls chose not to conceal their identity. They have not met Twitter and saw how fast they will dox you and threaten the hell out of you while Twitter laughs at you and mocks you for reporting the fucked up tweets, "this is your third report this hour" while never getting back to you about the death threats. Been there. Done that. I'm still here though...I guess that makes me invincible!:P XOXO
Some troops cover their face in shame...some don't even wear a mask for protection from the RONA KNOWING they are dealing with crowds.
They cancelled the MINNESOTA STATE FAIR which is not even until AUGUST! Yet the troops aren't even wearing uniform masks for their own safety (from doxxing not RONA).
Link to photo post on Twitter.

It seems that while the guy who looks NOTHING like the police officer who is video'd killing George Floyd with his knee, is in police custody in jail after switching jail cells, they didn't put him in Hennepin County for very long, the city the murder took place in, instead moving him the hell out of there- their reasoning Corona Virus. Fake Rona Hoax-such a convenient excuse to move him out of there such bullshit!!! They crowd the protesters they arrest in there though-the SAME EXACT JAIL CELL they had to move the murderer from but LOCK the peaceful protestors in there like sardines with NO RESPECT FOR THEIR LIVES-shouldn't it be the other way around? Shouldn't the Freedom Fighters be sent to the good jail upstate not the Hennepin County one that has the RONA? Just another example of how the police are putting their officers lives ahead of the black community they are there to "protect and serve" we all know they work for the banks and not the people that was why they were out their guarding the Federal Reserve while their 3rd precinct burned down.
Look closely here...

Then they are dumbfounded when they STILL have not pressed charges against all FOUR officers who murdered George Floyd when their own get killed. This shit will NEVER stop until all FOUR ARE ARRESTED, the fact they haven't that ALL POLITICIANS ARE NOT DEMANDING THIS IS FUCKED UP!DO IT! DO IT NOW! DO NOT WAIT ANOTHER MINUTE! #NoJusticeNoPeace how many times do we have to hear it before it sinks in?

Start there.
Then get the ENTIRE military and police dept to take a knee and have a moment of silence for all the fallen on both sides, those who have been killed by cops and those who have been killed by Protesters. Even then the genie is never going back into the bottle. America has to make some SERIOUS changes and fix the fucked up system we have. Cops should look like Barnie Fife, like they did 60 years ago. Protect and SERVE THE PEOPLE NOT THE BANKS. They should not look like the military.

How many Police officers will be killed in the line of duty this week, how many already have been while we wait for Minneapolis PD to press charges against the Four police officers WE ALL SAW KILL GEORGE FLOYD? There is a reason other departments have said they would have arrested him THAT DAY-Polk County, Florida for one.
They are endangering every officer in this country as day by day they drag their feet and more and more are killed. Their lives are not something to play with either - for political reasons. And #FuckCreepyJoe too. I HATE TRUMP but Joe Biden seems to think this is his chance to get photo ops with the protesters. We need to get all the creepy posts of him touching children too, drain the swamp. We knew Hillary was an evil crook, Trump too, Obama too...all of them. If voting changed anything it would be ILLEGAL like peaceful protests - you know when the President of the United States allegedly uses a stolen bible from the neighborhood church (as claimed by the Reverand himself), and pepper sprays all the protesters to force them out of the White House so he can come out of his bunker and take a picture. His own Secretary of Defense claiming he had NO IDEA this was happening and resigned, so our Protesters were attacked by our own military and our Secretary of Defense had NO IDEA? How many other killings or terroristic attacks against peaceful people have happened at the hands of the U.S. Military that he had NO IDEA took place by our military? GTFO! Resigning is NOT ENOUGH-there should be charges pressed against anyone attacking peaceful protesters at this time.

Just like the tweet says...watch the video.

They say an Eye for an Eye leaves the whole world blind...sadly at this point without divine intervention that may be where we are all headed.

There have been about as many Protesters as Police officers that have died. The protesters out number the police a million to one. How long can this trend continue before there are no officers in the military or police left? What is the end game. Police need to ponder on that for a while. Take a knee, take two and pray before it is too late. Thanks for reading my blog and listening tonight. Peace, Love, Thought and Prayer. #OneLove #OpUnity XOXO
