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#FTP #ACAB #FUCK12 Police threaten a 2 year old child with a rubber bullet gun at point blank

range! This happened in Long Island, California this last Sunday!

I think when they say "police have launched an investigation - just like the 50 dead horses at Santa Anita-when law enforcement found NOTHING- it means they are DOING NOTHING. I have learned to accept that as code for WE DO NOT GIVE A FUCK and policing themselves-investigating themselves-what a joke. Everyone knows the small blue line sticks together #ThickAsThieves and don't police their own...hence ACAB!

Cries across America to defund the police and many cities are hitting them where it hurts FINANCIALLY-do we NEED these monsters who ONLY defend the banks roaming our streets, suppressing us all? HELL NO! This is not your 1950's police force protecting and serving these are combat police here to terrorize the populace.

Where have we seen this before? ISRAEL!!! WHO IS REALLY RUNNING THE U.S.?

No money = No pigs. Evidently the people across America want these PIGS GONE. Enough is ENOUGH. #OpUnity #OneLove #DefundTheMilitarizedPoliceDepartments Anarchy is a much better approach-the media also needs to be defunded for dividing Americans.

Street medics across the country report treating "patients" who arrive at the "peaceful Protests" across the country with deadly injuries bleeding from their heads, after getting hit with "less lethal" rubber bullets. Make no mistake- rubber bullets are DEADLY AS HELL that is why they are called less lethal. WORSE - these same medics who are there just to provide volunteer medical help to wounded protestors who have had allergic reactions to tear gas, and over heated, and been wounded by police or pepper sprayed-they have had their water bottles with baking soda to cool the pepper spray-dumped by police and have been shot multiple times themselves while treating injured patients even though they are wearing fire fighter and nurses uniforms and showing the universal sign of the cross-which is meant to signify they are there as medics. These are WAR CRIMES and they are reported all OVER twitter. Our government steals from you to pay these people to terrorize you. #TaxationIsTheft

It cost Minnesota tax payers $20 million when the police murdered Justine Damond. $20 million dollars. We can't afford their terrorism. #DefundThePolice


What did Randi Collier @Soulhorses use the estimated MILLION DOLLARS we raised thatt was donated to SOUL HORSE TX after Hurricane Harvey for? Where did all the cats and dogs go (they were killed) that she was SUPPOSED TO SAVE WITH THAT MONEY?


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