We always say "Follow The Money", so why would an old kodger like Trump want to be President? What is he getting out of it? Was it the 200 million dollars George Soros lent him previously after he filed bankruptcy when no other banks would give him a loan? Was it Deutcshe bank who he pardoned of any criminal charges in the bank bail outs facilitated by Obama costing tax payers $9 TRILLION? Was it Epstein, his old friend - who "It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side," a Tri-Laterel commission and Council On Foreign Relations Member, ironically also a former Deutsche Bank member whose accounts are now closed by the bank.
Or is it the free golfing? Now worth over 334 years of his Presidential Salary which he is so proud of not taking...for an old kodger - not a bad life. Sure his brand Trump has entirely deflated in value, what was once a status symbol is now a symbol of a nation he failed to fix, a swamp he failed to drain, a young girl he allegedly raped, other women including his former wife Ivana who have alleged he has raped them, admittedly by himself on the Howard Stern show he used his position as owner of the Teen Pageants to walk backstage while the young girls are at their most vulnerable moments changing naked amongst other pageant girls. He proudly boasts about walking in on them. His own daughter Ivanka publicly acknowledges he does that. His trysts with porn stars and playboy bunnies including the infamous porn star Stormy Daniels he cheated on his wife Melania Trump with. Formerly known as Melania Knauss, a nude model here on an Einstein Visa for modeling.
A President that entirely turned his back on Houston, The Carolinas, Florida, and Puerto Rico during some of the worst and deadliest storms seen in history, despite pleas from all over the country to save these lives! A President who has donated to the Clinton Foundation and whose daughter is married to Jared Kushner owner of the most expensive piece of New York real estate located at 666 5th Ave in Midtown Manhatten.
Perhaps his brand was in a free fall anyway...at least he got all that free golf out of it, well nothing is free, the tab was sent to you and I the American Tax payer... #CoughItUp XOXO
