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First They Came For the Horses...

And I said nothing...because I wasn't a horse.

Then they came for our crops and poisoned them with GMO...I said nothing because I wasn't a Farmer.

Then they came for our statues...and I said nothing because I don't care about the statues.

Then they closed down our businesses and restaurants forcing countless small businesses and restaurants to close forever and countless small business owners to lose their income with no safety net and I said nothing because it was less competition for my business.

Then they mandated we all wear masks and I said nothing because of the Corona Hoax.

Then they burned down our cities and I said nothing because the outrage from the George Floyd Snuff films was still raw.

Then they dumped the Farmers milk, and I said nothing because I wasn't a farmer.

Then they slaughtered all the hogs for no reason and I said nothing because of the movie Babe I no longer eat Pork.

Then they came for our Farmers and the banks would no longer give them loans and I said nothing because I wasn't a Farmer.

Then they came for the Police and I said nothing because I wasn't a cop.

Then they came for our private property - banks foreclosed on homes and landlords evicted their tenants destroying their credit and good name and I said nothing because I wasn't effected.

Then they burned down all of our fruits and vegetables when they burned over 250,000 acres in California and I said nothing because I wasn't a Californian.

Then they used Haarp to destroy Lake Charles with Category Four hurricanes and planted bombs and I said nothing because I wasn't a Cajun.

Then they came for horse racing and I said nothing because of all the abuse, drugs, kill pens and suffering I have witnessed the last few years and I thought it was for the best.

Then they came for the NFL angering the fans and I said nothing because I don't watch football.

Then they put the NBA in a bubble and up in hotels with pin hole cameras like Epstein had prolly and I said nothing because I wasn't in the NBA.

Then they came for our FEMA funds to rebuild after hurricanes and I said nothing because they claimed to be using them to house homeless people who turned out to be criminals and pedophiles.

Then they came for our children and harvested their blood for adrenochrome, and I said nothing because I wasn't a Q Anon follower and heard it was a conspiracy.

Then they took control of our social media and silenced all dissidents and I said nothing because my account was closed.

Then they came for the Christians, closing churches and funerals and I said nothing because most churches have been co opted by Israel anyway and only want your money to build mega mansions for their own personal use anyway.

Then they came for our Mexicans and locked them up in cages including their children and I said nothing because I wasn't a Mexican.

Then PG&E pled guilty to the 2019 wildfires and close to 100 counts of involuntary manslaughter and I said nothing because I was not in the line of fire.

Then they came for our cats and dogs killing them in kill shelters and rounding them up after the storms and I said nothing because I wasn't a cat or a dog.

Then they came for our moral values, showing children porn and masturbation in school and made Netflix shows like Cuties promoting pedophilia and I said nothing because I didn't want people to think I was a Karen.

Then they came for our freedom, closing our bars, schools, churches and malls, forcing us to stay in our homes out of fear for Corona Virus and I said nothing because I rarely if ever drink alcohol.

Then they came for our freedom, closing our bars, schools, churches and malls, forcing us to stay in our homes out of fear for Corona Virus and I said nothing because I was part of the SILENT majority and that's what we do.

Then we woke up in concentration camps as they came for us and I said nothing because there was nothing left to live for anyway everything was already gone taken by the communist - all the pretty horses were gone, the cats and dogs I loved, there was no GOD in our schools anymore, no GOD in our lives, there were no funerals, no restaurants, no shopping malls, no farms, the world around me was entirely destroyed and as I lay in bed wondering what the hell happened-as the silent majority did what they did best - stood down and let it happen - they came for those few stragglers left and I said nothing because the world I loved was gone along with everything and everyone in it and I had nothing left to lose the world around me had grown cold and frozen.

Not everyone is strong enough to be the voice for the voiceless, not everyone will fight these changes and speak out but EVERYONE WILL PAY THE PRICE FOR NOT SPEAKING OUT. XOXO


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