San Antonia Fear Porn At It's Finest...showing over 10,000 cars and trucks in line for a food bank. First of all, they would run out of gas waiting in this line and gas is precious if you have $40 to fill your tank you have $40 to buy rice, oatmeal, toilet paper, ramen noodles...etc.
Secondly notice how NOT ONE of these vehicles in this staged photo are in need of a car wash, obviously who ever did that has never been broke and lived in an apartment. Car washes are $10 each and unless you just had one in the last week or two NO WAY is your automobile looking this clean. So all these people got money for gas and car washes at least $50, yet they chose to wash their car and spend all day in line at a food bank, instead....not buying it...XOXO
Why do they want to scare the living hell out of you?
How else will they get you to BEG for their vaccines, their handout stimulus checks, that may never appear, their RFID chip, if you take that Chip - Also known as the Mark of the Beast you will not go to heaven. That simple. Satan has put the boots to your what will you do?
A) Share the Fear Porn
B) Run out and panic buy toilet paper
C) Stick Your Head in The sand
D) GO rally behind David Hogg so you can take everyone's guns who tried to stop this threat.
E) Hold your dick in your hand and "Trust The Plan" as you can see with your own eyes a Socialist Communist take over of our entire economy. A meltdown of our entire nation.
F) Grow A Pair and start a revolution
Sadly most Americans will do A,B, C, D and E which is why i never had kids. I am not leaving to the next generation who will be debt slaves, the job we failed to do. It will be 1,000,000 times harder for them. As for you "breeders" out better seriously look into option F - or you do not deserve their love. Your failure to act is enslaving your OWN CHILDREN -You know it and I know it. XOXO
Americans have lost their critical thinking skills...look at the picture. Just look. Poor people do not drive new cars they drive hoopties, if at all...Where are all the people?
