Note: Reading this story I in no way believe a Mother who makes a living off of her child is in NO WAY this naïve and did not notice that her child was being "plied with alcohol" over 60 times-especially when she waited many months to tell the Father of the child what happened (who was as young as 12 when the abuse started)-who then finally did something...I DO believe the child though, and all the other children in Hollywood who over and over tell the same story, who over and over are victimized both by their parents and everyone else at these Hollywood parties. Serving alcohol to a minor is illegal, and yet this happens regularly at these parties, and continues to this day. One thing is certain the media and the police are covering it up...and until this becomes exposed and trending like the
Note: Reading this story I in no way believe a Mother who makes a living off of her child is in NO WAY this naive and did not notice that her child was being "plied with alcohol" over 60 times-especially when she waited many months to tell the Father of the child what happened (who was as young as 12 when the abuse started)-who then finally did something...I DO believe the child though, and all the other children in Hollywood who over and over tell the same story, who over and over are victimized both by their parents and everyone else at these Hollywood parties. Serving alcohol to a minor is illegal, and yet this happens regularly at these parties, and continues to this day. One thing is certain the media and the police are covering it up...and until this becomes exposed and trending like the #MeToo movement, it continues. We must share this story, and give it the attention it so deserves, the attention the mainstream media fails over and over to deliver.
Side note: I do not trust publications that are always asking for money there are countless journalists out there that do not need to ask for money. What do you need money for to create a website and post an article? I and countless others have done it for free for countless years and never seen a single need to raise money for journalism - yet countless publications out there have donate buttons. For example Corey Feldman needed to raise money first before telling his truth and sparing countless other victims in Hollywood or even this publication? I think it is a tell- they are hired to control the narrative once it is out there, and to keep the damage under control, without revealing more then is already known versus doing it organically out of the goodness of your heart like SO MANY OF US DO. Yes there are big names in this story-names we have heard over and over though, and the lawsuit has already been filed so the narrative is already out there, and even the video of Bella Thorne referenced had 14,900 views a that point- simply writing the story does not require funding in my opinion. Perhaps undercover reporters who actually dig, and either hire private detectives or the private detectives themselves may require funding-but when you hear of abuse to a child it is your DUTY as a decent human being to report it and do something about it. XOXO
