SO I would like to share the view from above, you know on top of things...XOXO
IT has been said "explain it to me like I was five" so how do I go about explaining the complex story of how an allegedly lame horse sold it's breeding rights for $22 million dollars. Who is paying NTWO-Fox Hill Farms to call and harass and remove the social media accounts including Twitter and Facebook of anyone who speaks out against the evil's they witness in horse racing and/or the rescue of thoroughbreds many with their horse racing shoes still on. How do I share over 300 screen shots of the lead up to the Kentucky Derby 2019 with Fox Hill Farms (Victoria Keith-Rick Porter/NTWO's) "Omaha Beach" rated to win the Kentucky Derby 2019 with 4 to 1 odds, who then sells his "breeding rights" to Public Storage "SpendThrift Farms" for an alleged $22 million then drops out of the Kentucky Derby 24 hours later due to a throat injury, then the surgery is posted on live t.v. with a horse that has NO WHITE ON IT'S NOSE by surgeons who ARE NOT WEARING GLOVES at the supposedly prestigious Rood & Riddle vets in Lexington, KY. Would you let a Dr. that does not even WEAR GLOVES operate on your horse? And how did Omaha Beach lose his signature white star on his nose during the live surgery? Was that even "Omaha Beach" we saw getting operated on, or was some kind of cover up in play? How did a horse that NEVER won a Triple Crown race, and that subsequently dropped out of the "Pegasus World Cup" AGAIN just days before the major race with a $3 million prize, HIS LAST RACE before going to stand - if that even happens now -or he may have already been euthanized, it is awfully quiet in both the Fox HIll Farms and Spendthrift Farms camp on the fate of "Omaha Beach" since it was reported he has a broken cannon bone. BOTH Fox Hill Farms and Spendthrift Farms have been active on Twitter since the recent events of both scratching and the report of the broken cannon bones which most horses we have seen on the track are euthanized with a broken cannon bone Santa Anita style. Yet BOTH "farms' have been tweeting about the eclipse awards and COMPLETELY failed to even mention the status or ask for prayers for "Omaha Beach" and a full recovery, which sometimes what isn't said is more LOUD then what is said. So how do I organize over 300 screen shots I have taken this year from my Twitter, other people's twitters and social media and major newspaper articles out lying this entire ordeal so you can see what I see. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but I may need to write a book to further articulate what it is like at the top....If a picture is worth a thousand words, what are over 300 pictures worth? Let's see if you can see what I see...XOXO
