selling t-shirts, sweatshirts and hats for Soul Horse TX, the one collecting all of the donors names and addresses, including mine which she used to dox me on Facebook on Randi's Soul Horse TX page where it was then used against me by NTWO and everyone affiliated with them. Would you EVER in a MILLION years trust this woman - Debra Jane, who had over 100 Yorkies seized from her after some were found frozen on her property and 25 of them were pregnant at the time? Will she ever face any criminal penalties for this? Would you adopt this lady a horse? Yesterday Randi Collier endorsed her publicly on FaceBook while PUBLICLY SHAMING the loving home that "Silver Fin" a very skinny, very unhappy, and very unhealthy looking "Silver Fin" after being in Randi Collier's "loving care" for two years, and the woman who adopted him, who did the right thing and reported his condition to the public. Who is now providing him love and food and shelter and a new family. This is NOT how you should treat those that are adopting horses, especially this horse - Randi's own horse. This is why it is important not to blindly trust that a horse rescue is doing right by the horses you donate to bail too. This is where you need to focus the most attention. Pick a horse, and follow that ONE horse or all the horses but don't just donate and assume it went to a good home. Assume there is a 50/50 chance it is being shipped to slaughter or ending up at auction again, or some other nefarious ending, your gift to the horses isn't only the donation you make when you bail it from the kill pen, it is following it through quarantine asking questions, like where is quarantine, who is watching these horses, how often are they interacted with? Who is the vet on duty? Who is going to be there when these pregnant horses deliver? When quarantine is up - and how is that decided - who makes that decision, where do the horses go? Why don't I ever see you trying to find any recently "free from quarantine" horses up for adoption on your website? Why don't we see any adoption pictures? Is there a farm somewhere if you are not going to be handling these horses as you stated on your website, who IS handling them AFTER quarantine? WHERE DO THEY GO? Randi Collier has stated on her website herself, that she does not leave her house and is not the one caring for the horses. SO WHO IS???? WHERE ARE THEY GOING? WHO IS "QUARANTINE" then where do they go? If she is quarantining her horses with the killbuyers Uncel - Erby Thompson - when the kill buyer is facing 10 counts of animal cruelty charges, and is endorsing selling horses to Debra Jane, who doxes Randi's donors, and had over 100 Yorkies seized because some froze to death, do you see what I see?
