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Congratulations to Anons, Animal Rights Activists and Horse Angels! #TogetherWeCanDoGreatThings

Horse slaughter #s for 2019 show a 26% DECREASE in horse kills over 2018 the prior year! We ARE the Voice For the Voiceless!!! Well done, 16,761 total lives saved over the previous year~ thank you to everyone who is working hard to save the horses! YOU ROCK! Much love and respect!!! Thank you!!! I salut you all!!! Let us strive for zero tolerance of horse slaughter and work harder next year to save the lives of ALL the horses shipped for slaughter! Let us Pass the Safe Act and end this evil practice! Love and Prayer! #OneLove #OpUnity #BeTheVoiceForTheVoiceless #OpSaveHorses #EndKillPens! XOXO


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