This is EXACTLY why I encourage donors or former donors to Soul Horse TX/Randi Collier to FOLLOW UP on the horse they donated to. Check in, ask how it is doing. Is it in quarantine? Where? Ask for a live FB video update. When will it be out of quarantine? Who is doing the quarantine is it the Kill Buyer's Uncle Erby Thompson? OR is it Katherine Raby Jones...
Let's take a closer look at Cisco's story. He was bailed by Randi Collier and Katherine Raby Jones. He was bailed after Katherine Raby Jones told me that she adopted a starving horse from Randi Collier, and that horse came from a "hoarders" who had many of Randi's other horses there that were ALSO starving. Randi Collier admitted this to be true when I told her.
Then Cisco was bailed, with Randi Collier and Katherine Raby Jones as partners. I donated money to the vet to pay the bill directly (not to Randi Collier), and the horse was in REALLY bad shape. (In hindsight-who knows if it was even a real vet they had me send the money to, maybe it was...who knows with Randi Collier, she has lied about everything, nothing checks out with her-NOTHING).

This is where Randi Collier and Katherine Raby Jones "rescue" turns DARK.
A pregnant "Cisco" was rescued from the KILL PEN.
Then rehabbed "allegedly" and then this happened...
Offered "Bought as CLOSE TO FREE AS THEY COME" Back to Kill buyers by Katherine Raby Jones herself on Facebook.
Betraying our rescues and all of us who donated to save them.
#BackStabber XOXO

This is my Twitter account that was taken down by Twitter of course. It shows I had 166,000 tweet impressions at the time, and you can see both the harassment from NTWO regarding my Mom's obituary photo, AND the face I was helping raise money to "rescue" Cisco and had 4,328 impressions. So the fact that Twitter is LOCKING ME OUT RIGHT NOW and I can not let my FORMER followers that TWITTER TOOK FROM ME-KNOW THAT RANDI COLLIER AND KATHERINE RABY JONES ARE FAKE LYING FRAUDS is complete crap, and everyone reading this sees it. XOXO

I also donated to the vet directly. Proof I donated. XOXO I also have the receipts on the front page of this website, they only go back one year but I was a donor for two years beginning with Hurricane Harvey for which Randi raised a FORTUNE she NEVER accounted for and the 2,000 dogs and cats we rescued were killed by SPCA and friends of SPCA - Best Friends that we put Randi Collier in charge of helping and she kept the donations, NEVER provided transparency and is now a FOR PROFIT RESCUE SERVICE NO LONGER A NON PROFIT, so she will NEVER provide that transparency - just scammed everyone and left with the bag of money while all the 'rescued pets" we all risked our lives and over 8 people died trying to save were euthanized under the leadership of Governer Gregg Abott who NEVER lifted the 3 day kill policy in Texas dog and cat shelters, still to this very day it is only 3 days then they KILL THEM. They are all evil and we out number them millions to one, we have to do something because the next storm this same exact thing will happen and it could be any of our pets that get killed and it will be us risking our lives again, and FOR WHAT???

Here Randi admits what Kat said about the hoarder and the starving horses was right. Who is the hoarder? Where is the hoarder? How many of Randi's horses are still there? How many have starved to death? How the hell did Randi Collier "Just FORGET" she had horses she bailed to feed? Bailed with public funds she BEGGED FOR - for horses she has NEVER BEEN HANDS ON WITH - despite how she comes across in all of her posts. SHE HAS NEVER EVEN BEEN TO HER "SOUL HORSE VILLAGE" - she is a COMPLETE FAKE AND FRAUD!

And I have asked MANY MANY TIMES in private and public where the HELL the horses we rescued EVEN ARE- WHO are they WITH? How much does it cost to feed them? Where is the money coming from? WHO is it going to? And this is all I ever hear back, just vicious and mean troll comments with Randi Collier herself leading the pack of trolls who used to torment her, perhaps they were in on it all along, together with NTWO-Maggi Moss and Victoria Keith...XOXO

Notice Randi here outs Whiskey as the Llamas...XOXO

Whiskey50503170 also known as Leah and Virt Kershaw and @knobcreekfarms which IS whiskey - Dog killer/Puppy Farmer Debra Jane Cutledge who is not even legally allowed to own dogs anymore after having over 100 of them seized by police.

Proof I tweeted the FBI, two years ago...still waiting to hear back...XOXO

Llamas posting about my Facebook page being took down after they reported it.

This was taken from Randi Colliers Soul Horse TX - PROOF in her OWN WORDS she has not had horses with her personally in two years.**********************************************

Perhaps if Belinda Stronach had spent more time fixing her track when this meme was made and less time dating Bill Clinton - we might not have seen Santa Anita reach 49 dead horses last year including "Mongolian Groom" dying at the Breeder's Cup.

The police say they are investigating libel...sure they are...XOXO

Dated 4/16/19


Here Randi Claimed the horses we saved on Kentucky Derby weekend had homes. She later claimed it took 7 months for them to be "adopted" with no money coming in...

Note: Victoria Keith's OWN HORSE FOX HILL FARMS "Omaha Beach" was scratched just DAYS before the Kentucky Derby AND the Pegasus World Cup (by Stronach Vets), and was sold for breeding rights lame for $22 million to Spendthrift Farms having NEVER won a Triple Crown race. But she wants to "get tough" on those racing lame horses - just not HER LAME HORSE. XOXO

Maggi Moss said on my voicemail she did not know Dick Welty the President of Equine crusaders looks like she had plans to meet him in Louisiana...(above post) secret rendevous eh?
One month before the cease and desist letter was sent by maggi moss, who clearly DOES know Equine Crusasders...since she was the one who made the original complaint about Hal Parker and lied and said he stole "Felonious Friend" which the e-mails from Dina clearly prove Maggi Moss was absolutely desperate to rehome 7 of her former race horses at the time and BEGGED Dina Albarano to take in Felonious Friend who was later found starving.
Clearly Maggi Moss's threatening e-mail WAS blackmail and interference in a criminal trial she herself LIED to instigate...don't wait for law enforcement to do jack shit though, she has pass evidently. XOXO

How come this vet bill looks exactly like the vet bill Randi Collier provided for "Strollin Willie" that is a FAKE??? Note: This vet was in Oklahoma where Kat Raby Jones is, Randi Collier and Strollin Willie were allegedly in Beaumont TX when he "Fake Died."

Another thing that is problematic, is that the bill is dated 4/8/19 and Randi Collier didn't even tell me until 4/16/20 a full week later!!! (IF TRUE) WHY???
Why did she wait until I called her out on Twitter and said I would no longer PAY FOR HIM after she DOXXED ME to provide a FAKE VET BILL???

Proof Randi Collier boards her "rescued" horses at the Kill Buyers Uncle Erby Thompson.
Taken from her own website. XOXO
