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Bunker Bitch President Trump-fake Twitter War-look who covers up his crimes...#DirtyBird XOXO

While Trump hides in his Bunker talking shit on Twitter, evidently at least FIFTY of his Secret Service security personnel sustained injuries on behalf of his shit talking ass yesterday as he hid in his Bunker below the white house. What an embarrassment to the Entire World we put in that White House. A weak ass bitch. Just like I said would happen, he DID NOTHING to help the people during Puerto Rico, NOTHING to help during Harvey and he is doing NOTHING now, and we are not keeping the peace any longer-for reasons stated in previous blog-BEFORE the RIOTS BROKE LOOSE PREDICTING THIS- hence all the chaos-you can't stop an idea whose time has come...

What the world doesn't understand is Minneapolis rioters are only a small 5% fraction of the actual gun power of this city, and MANY MANY MANY citizens that would ordinarily get involved to squash things are standing down, letting it happen. The police know that-that is why they got the fuck out of dodge and stood there letting their 3rd precinct burn with fireworks blasting like bombs bursting in air-that gave proof through the night that the BLM flag was still there...and a voice for the voiceless emerged. A POWERFUL VOICE emerged from the choas, one that is LONG OVER DUE AND NEEDS TO BE HEARD-that is why so many of us voted for Obama-not me- I know that voting is a charade - a front for the deep state but i respected THE IDEA of voting for a black man and was proud to see lines around the block where I lived at the time-people waiting all day just to vote-white, black ALL RACES CAME OUT DEEP to the polls to vote-their voices were heard that day-yet sadly no CHANGE TOOK PLACE LIKE OBAMA PROMISED. Sadly like Trump - Obama worked for the banks and not the people, and he DID NOTHING to help the black people in Minneapolis find better housing and better opportunities, they have MAD TALENT AND SKILLS they should NOT be living like they are and treated like they are, and something had to give-to end the madness they endure at the hands of the Deep State - All of our oppressors. We knew we would NEVER get there without a fight. Peace does not work, if it did - we would not be here now "talking" about "draining the swamp" while our President just literally destroyed our country it is burning to the ground right now, and Trump himself by hiding like a coward you see in the cartoons with a yellow stripe down his back- let the world know what a weak ass President we have.

After (False Flag) Pearl Harbor Japan would not invade the United States because "behind every blade of grass was a rifle." He is damn right too-that is why they want to take our guns." Minnesota has to be the epitome of that statement, we have SO MANY PATRIOTS here too-so many hunter and fisherman, entire legions or armies of men who own 30-40 guns each. All of which-have a deep tie to the black community here. We all grew up together, we have a mutual respect-if not shared friends and family we are interwoven with deep roots.

If China or any country thinking about invading us is judging us by the firepower they see in the streets tonight, that is only the smallest tip of the iceberg-if this revolution keeps firing up-you will see that just like Japan could not invade the U.S. so too will our own military learn they can not contain the U.S. population when it is activated in it's ENTIRETY...

Right now in the streets of Minneapolis, you have not seen the Hell's Angels activated, you have not seen the legions of hunters, and you have not seen the local retired military and War Vets-if shit gets real, you will soon though...there is a reason the mainland of the U.S. was NEVER invaded, and if Trump can't handle this small fraction of what is coming at him he will NEVER handle what is yet to come...United We Stand Divided We is a damn good time to "Drain the Swamp" XOXO #OneLove #OpUnity

Note: The registered hunters for only FOUR U.S. states outnumber ALL of the U.S. military-that is only the hunters-that is only FOUR states.

That is not including the Hell's Angels, and the Bloods, Crips and GD (Gangster Disciples) which are already united in our streets-which is a guerilla warfare, that is facing off with the organized marching troops of the National Guard. Those National Guard members who put in one weekend a month are no match for those out shooting in the streets every single weekend. They are REALLY outgunned if everyone stands up and many of them will stand down if it comes to that. They TOO are our friends and neighbors just like the rioters. We know the strengths and weaknesses of our streets it is what it is.

Why is Twitter covering up the crimes of that Bunker Bitch President, yet trying to look like they are doing something, putting a "label" on his tweets which incite violence or marking them #FakeNews.

Twitter has done that shit to me for a long time now, and many of Trumps own followers yet he never gave a fuck until it happened to him. He don't care about his base, his own followers, let alone anyone like me-who is most definitely not a fan of that porn star fucking- child molesting piece of trash-rapist. Yet the point of having a "Republican" President is to conserve "freedom of speech" which he has been fine with Twitter violating until now. Yet Twitter is helping him more then harming him-despite the rhetoric - on both ends-as you can see they are deleting the information and harming the victims of his crimes - everytime they remove his posts. Don't believe a word Trump or the media says they are both #DirtyBirds covering up the crimes of Pedophiles.

Thank you to the Protesters, peaceful and otherwise-for shaking shit up! This needed to be done, and you are doing one hell of a job! For there are no peaceful protests when police run over protesters as they did in Boston, or send massive semi trucks in to scare the hell out of and run over peaceful protesters in Minneapolis on the iconic 35W bridge of all sacred spots-or shoot at protesters with live bullets in Kentucky killing them, and countless other crimes police have committed at peaceful protesters. These protests are NOT peaceful despite what the media says there is nothing peaceful about getting run over-there is only violence and with that comes the notion you are allowed to defend yourself. And in a chaotic riot which was brought on once by police by intentionally snuffing the life out of George Floyd and TWICE by police after allowing a semi to run over peaceful protesters, it has no longer sustained it's peace, now the peaceful protesters are in their own rights defending themselves by any means necessary-self defense is their ONLY OPTION. It is NOT a peaceful protest when reporters get shot by police point blank with rubber bullets and arrested, and home owners and business owners are forced into their home at gunpoint by the National Guard in their street. This is NOT peaceful this is a violent dictatorship with police who are trying to instill terror in the streets and we are not having it! #OneLove #OpUnityXOXO


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