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Blake Lively Gives Emotional Speech On Child Porn...XOXO

My thoughts on the matter...

While it is good to see Blake Lively speak out against such a horrible subject, I think after the #PizzaGate and with Q Anon movement exploding (Q being ANOTHER PSY OP) as people wake up from that they like to the control the opposition, so by using Blake Lively a Hollywood Insider - to become the new face of the movement, AFTER IT IS EXPOSED - and especially when they are asking for money raises A LOT OF RED FLAGS FOR ME. Just like the RED CROSS comes in and takes advantage of bad situations so do many charities.

That being the case-If you just LISTEN to what she is saying, she CONFIRMS what we have been saying all along, even mentions babies with umbilical cords still attached being subjected to rape and child abuse and I am glad she spoke out.

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