RT (Russia Today) picked up on the story and evidently the Texas Government is going around picking them up now - since they allegedly belong to them according to RT.
We also saw videos of police staging the bricks themselves in many cities including Boston, we KNOW Minneapolis is under tight surveillance cameras THE ENTIRE CITY-so if MPD wanted those bricks off the streets they would have done so-taken them off the streets in REAL TIME as they were dropped, but as we all know they STOOD DOWN and let the city burn and businesses get looted instead.
Now that RT has figured it out, maybe the President and the Mayors-will stop blaming Antifa and White supremacists, we can ALL see the looting videos, they are fooling NOBODY just making EPIC CLOWNS of themselves by how they have reacted to EVERYTHING.
Trump's own daughter CLOWNED THE HELL OUT OF HIM by posting a black brick today on instagram. Evidently he must have forgot to take her down to the bunker with him.
As for the thin blue line...
It appears one of their own was injured with their own bricks, is this karma?

I heard it said, "Play stupid games...win stupid prizes..." Evidently this is what happens when you lay bricks down in the streets to entrap protesters while videotaping them. #OneLove #OpUnity #FTP #ACAB XOXO

There are no coincidences...XOXO

There is a reason "My Name is Earl" made that list...he's right you know...you can't fuck with karma...good or bad it always comes back to you...XOXO
How are police going to police a community without the help of the community? This post has 1.3 million likes so far...
Without trust for the police for nobody will call the police and crime will run rampant. This is HUGE-we have lost all policing capabilities you CAN NOT get the public's trust back and police are working overtime to destroy that trust right now - not that they were helping fight crime before. Link to video:

Also on twitter...
