submarine license. Trump owns Mar A largo down the street in Palm Beach from Epstein AND his NY hotel Trump Towers in Midtown Manhattan is a quick walk through Central park 2 minutes away according to Mapquest. Trump's residence in Palm Beach is only 4 minutes away from Epsteins.
I said this the last election (and look where we are now) - voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil. How is it the BEST the Republicans can do and the BEST the democrats can do is the TWO people who lived CLOSEST to convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein?
If you think voting will fix anything. YOU are the problem. XOXO

Biden's island in reference to Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's island.

Link 1

I don't care if "snopes" says it is not true, if you read snopes and believe it, YOU are the problem. It may be Joe Biden's brother who actually owns the property, Biden may own some of it. Biden HAS vacationed there. It doesn't matter which brother is in cahoots with Epstein-the former Vice President or his brother. Biden has said his now deceased son, Beau Biden should be the one running for President and he would have won WITH THE HELP OF HIS BROTHER (Hunter Biden). The Biden family sticks together-thick as thieves. PERIOD. END.OF.STORY.

For the last four years Q Anon has had those who should be shutting this down chasing their own tails. Now the U.S. 2020 Presidential election is a complete horror show.
If you want to know the exact details on Joe Biden/James Biden's island only 6 miles from Little St James - Jeffrey Epstein's island here you go.
Don't take my word for it...research it yourself. You owe at least that to the suffering children and the future of our country, don't you? XOXO

Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was the FOUNDER of the Clinton Foundation which Trump DONATED To. (link)

Trump also donated to Joe Biden in 2001.

"It's all one big club...and you ain't in it..." George Carlin

#Simplified... XOXO

So what happened to "Draining the Swamp" why are we STILL voting in these same clowns?
Look at the response from Amy Klobuchar once a Vice President hopeful prior to her horrible mishandling of the ENTIRE George Floyd "snuff film" crises. If she had fired the police officer previously this would NEVER have even been possible.
Amy Klobuchar HAS FAILED to protect the vulnerable horses who are shipped often times pregnant and withdrawing from drugs from horse racing on a long hot truck to Mexico where they are denied food and water and then brutally killed when they get there. The ULTIMATE betrayal by the humans who they were RAISED TO TRUST. How can we re-elect a woman has no regard for animal welfare? Who would not immediately TAKE A STRONG STAND TO END THS CRUEL AND INHUMANE PRACTICE? I asked her to support the "Safe Act" for horses to #EndKillPens this is her reply. THIS IS NOT A LEADER WE CAN TRUST! How is voting in the same people who brought us all into this mess, going to CHANGE ANYTHING?
So many animal rights activist-rep the "blue wave" what good is a "blue tsunami" when dem candidates DO NOTHING for human, child and animal welfare? Explain this to me like I'm 5...
A video on how Amy Klobuchar is directly responsible for Derek Chauvin's (officer who killed George Floyd) continued employment after previous complaints for police brutality.
Here is Amy Klobuchar's response to my letter (sent prior to the George Floyd killing and subsequent destruction of Minneapolis) which I FINALLY received a reply a WEAK reply to yesterday. I said I'd post it when I got it-here it is, blue wavers...your VOTE did not MATTER. You voted BLUE and got sold out by your leaders. They are NOT representing your interest. Red voters were sold out by Trump as well, ALL of our leaders brought us into this plandemic and are destroying our right to own property and our right to free assembly are our right to Free speech and our right to Freedom of Religion we are watching our Constitutional RIGHTS get shredded and our country thinks "voting" a band aid that did not WORK in 2016 for Democratic run cities which are NOW IN RUINS and it did not work for a Republican run country which is now also in ruins with hundreds of millions of unemployed and 1/3 of our country now facing eviction.
In a previous blog "#OpRobinHood I showed you mathematically how by taking away the money from horse racing AKA welfare-we have enough tax dollars to build a tiny home for EVERY SINGLE HOMELESS person in the country!!! Instead we went the OTHER WAY on that and made 30 million MORE people homeless. Oh look-we can still watch the horses race though, although not at Arlington Park anymore - one more domino has fallen. The other dominos (racetracks) are in grave danger, long before the Plandemic they were set to fall. All businesses are failing. With no money to gamble or go out, the public will not be supporting horse racing. With animal rights activists fighting the dead horses every week that drop like flies on the racetrack, and fight to end killpens, and save horses-there is NO WAY these racetracks and the industries they support will survive. Get out while you can.
So in the end, we used $8 billion over ten years to prop up horse racing a DYING industry instead of HOUSING EVERY SINGLE HOMELESS PERSON PRIOR TO THE PLANDEMIC.
Now we need a new plan for the ADDITIONAL 30 million homeless people. What do you got? I got nothing. We failed to act. Now it is too late. #WelcomeToMadMax
And as for Amy Klobuchar I needed a Yes or a NO-Yes you support the safe act or NO you do not. If the supporters of Trump and those repping the blue wave would hold the candidates they VOTED FOR LAST accountable for where they lead their flock now in 2020-this would not keep happening, but instead of holding your LEADERS accountable you continue to rep them. Whose fault is it REALLY that we are where we are?
Can't pay your rent? Lost your business? Lost a loved one to a Virus that was CREATED IN A LAB IN CHINA? Lost your home? Depressed? Can't go to the store, Can't go out to eat, can't go to church? Broke? Whose fault is it? Where were you when it was time to stand up? THIS Is EXACTLY what we told you would happen, you called us "Conspiracy theorist". So you can stand there NOW and look at what is happening in the streets and in your own life, at your own job, at your kids school and honestly say this is NOT a conspiracy? There are no "rich and powerful" Rothschilds that are making the rules and forcing you to play their #RothschildHungerGames...okay sure.
You thought voting for Obama would "be the hope and change". It wasn't.
You thought voting for Trump would "Drain the Swamp". It didn't.
How is the 2020 election even worth arguing about it. What if you tell me you are voting for Trump or Biden and say it with such confidence that it will get everyone their job back, bring back dead relatives and dead businesses, and closed restaurants, the businesses burned down in Minneapolis will rise from the ashes magically, the 30 million jobs lost will just poof come back out of nothing, the bankrupt and destitute citizens who cannot get enough food to eat will magically grow gardens, those dying of non hodkins lymphoma will suddenly be healthy, we will no longer be ORDERED to wear masks, so pedophiles and Satanists can hide their identities while they STEAL YOUR KIDS OFF THE STREETS AND OUT OF WALMART FOR BLOOD SACRIFICES? Tell me how VOTING will fix this....go on...

Not a politically correct reply. THIS is worthless. #CheckThePriceAndPayAttention the price we are paying for security (loosing our freedom and liberty) is far too high of a price to pay. They can have it back. #FuckTheseFaceMasks #FuckThisPlandemic #FuckThisNWOTakeOver #DrainTheSwamp #OneLove XOXO

If you do not watch any other video this ENTIRE this one. At 52:49 you can hear Jeffrey Epstein victim Maria Farmer state how she was an eyewitness to Ivanna Trump helping Ghislaine find young "nubile" female victims for Epstein. Where are the charges for "Ivanna Trump"?
They told me I could not end horse racing...I told them just because YOU can not do something...does not mean I can not do something. Now look, Arlington Park is closed FOREVER and the other racetracks will follow suit. Imagine if the Q followers had the same success...XOXO
Where you went went all...unfortunately Q lead you all over a cliff.
What if you had said #FuckThePlan #FuckSessions? What if you hadn't divided all of us?

Link: Trump took $44 billion from our Federal Disaster Hurricane Fund to pay for unemployment during the Plandemic. Why can't Trump take the money for the unemployment from the $10 MILLION PER DAY the U.S. gives to Israel? Is it because he is owned by Mossad? Why is Wix blurring my memes so you can not download or read them? If they will not let ME post-why would you believe that anyone they DO let post, Q, Trump, Biden, Joe Rogan, Oprah etc etc etc is not controlled (owned by Mossad) opposition for some reason the establishment simply gives them a pass while doing everything in it's power to keep me from posting and trying to discredit me?

Although America's Freedom was short lived, we had a good run. If it were not for Paul Revere and his HORSE - we would never have won the Revolutionary War against the British, winning America it's freedom in the First place. Horse's are the very reason we were once free of British colonialism. Don't we owe it to them to pass the Safe Act, don't we owe it to them to get control of this country back, so we CAN pass the Safe Act and EVERY OTHER ACT we need to pass RIGHT NOW to get America back on a path where everyone can THRIVE!??? #EndKillPensAndShelters #EndChildTrafficking #EndCagingChildren #OneLove #OpUnity #DrainTheSwamp <3 -?\_

Which groper are you voting for 2020? #GrabEmByThePussy or #UnwantedTouching?
In her own words Kamala Harris says she believes the women who accused Joe Biden of "unwanted touching" prior to accepting his offer of the Vice President of the United States to his Presidency...#FutureMeTooVictim? WTF is she thinking?
If she publicly says she believes the victims of Joe Biden's unwanted touching, then hires women campaign staffers, isn't she the new Ghislaine Maxwell, his new pimpstress? If they too become victims of Joe Biden's "unwanted touching" can't they sue her, #SheKnew!

Let me say that again...because Joe Biden is going senile and this could be our Future president very soon...if she will sell women out like that she will sell our country out, you can bet on it. XOXO
The window of "plausible deniability" is forever closed. The cat is out of the bag. SHE KNOWS. She accepted his offer anyway.

"Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter then your wife?" Donald Trump...

Evidently leaving his crack pipe and cocaine in a rental car did not set Yale Law School Graduate Hunter Biden's career back too far...he still went on to make billions...XOXO

Just another day for Billionaire Hunter Biden in D.C. XOXO

Is this really the BEST we can do?
