Bob Baffert is not sounding very eloquent as he chokes up in his speech.
Holy Hannah! You can't make this stuff up! Bob Baffert LITERALLY just got KNOCKED OVER by his OWN HORSE "Authentic" in the Winner's Circle after just winning the Kentucky Derby!
I will post a clip when it becomes available online of course....XOXO

What is going on with Bob Baffert's horses today? His other horse "Thousand Words" just scratched the Kentucky Derby 2020 after flipping in the paddock!

Shocking footage of Bob Baffert trained "Thousand Words" completely bucking up high then falling over backwards just 23 minutes prior to the Kentucky Derby which he was scratched from. What the HELL are Bob Baffert's horses on this evening?
(link to full video above watch all the way to the end)

Now here is VIDEO AFTER THE RACE in the Winner's Circle at the Kentucky Derby 2020 of Bob Baffert getting knocked down by the Kentucky Derby Winner "Authentic' a DIFFERENT horse then the one that is out of control and falls over above!
Watch the video here!
