I am not even kidding...how out of touch with the streets can one possibly even get??? This is comical...#Lulz :P lolololololololololol :P :P :P
The buildings in Minneapolis are not tagged up with #EndTheFed although quite a few actually are-mostly FUCK12-FTP and ACAB which are not tags recognized by the Occupy Wall Street Movement- although I am quite sure they overlap.
The Occupy Wall Street Movement was the peaceful protestors that got blasted in the face with pepper spray - including college kids -remember Officer Pike-who can forget that Dirty Bastard Pig? They also blasted the elderly lady was she out throwing bricks in windows at Target at 2 A.M. this week-most likely not them...#CluelessAsFuckOurPresidentIs

The images from Occupy Wall Street are EVEN MORE OF A REASON TO REVOLT-this is Officer Pike pepper spraying all the peaceful protestors during Occupy Wall Street.

More images of police brutality when this Grandma stood up to the Federal Reserve who has now stole more then $60,000 per AMERICAN for their own personal pleasure while we are now debt slaves owing it back with interest - $120,000 PER COUPLE enough money to buy every couple in America a house and end renting and homelessness OVER NIGHT STOLEN-LOOTED FROM US! We point that out and the police pepper spray us while stating it peacefully.

It is SICKENING when Trump went GOLFING instead of going to church LAST WEEKEND when he demanded the church's open during Corona Virus (Which is not his control-they should NEVER have been closed to begin with-nobody in the streets has caught the RONA what a FUCKING HOAX!!!) - he stands on the white house lawn holding a bible while calling out Occupy Wall Street - who opposed the Big Banks who fucked us all-especially during the Corona Virus scandal-WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? He'd be out flipping the tables of the Bankers the money changers-the EVIL ONES? He would not be sitting the fuck down or at a Trump rally-so Trump invoking the Bible is only something the DEVIL would do completely anti-religous- HE IS NOT PREACHING JESUS'S MESSAGE! KNOW THAT!
