Twitter stalks and tracks you worse then Facebook does. That was how Khashoggi was killed-Twitter gave his location to his killers. #FuckTwitter #DeleteTwitter #DeleteFaceBook
#DirtyBird Lying ass CEO Jack Dorsey
Twitter just covered up the crimes of FEMA, NTWO (Maggi Moss, Victoria Keith, Rick Porter) and The llamas who are doxxing looters Virt and Leah Kershaw of Fort Collins Landscaping along with @melindablue @maggismoss @fhvictoriakeith @soulhorses @knobcreekfarms @V_Kershaw @insuffcunt THEY LEAVE THE DOXXERS UP AND TAKE ME DOWN.
DON'T CARE I already said days ago I don't use FB or Twitter anymore no need too.
Too much censorship and bullshit ghosting with no notice. FUCKTWITTER FUCKFACEBOOK.
All Social Media Ceo's Are Bad #ASMCAB #ZuckTheCuck #FuckDorsey #OneLove #OpUnity XOXO

These are fake anons. Anon has been infiltrated a LONG TIME AGO by co-intelpro. Twitter has taken the accounts of MOST real anons YEARS AGO. Don't belive the hype..
