The week before Maggi Moss alleged (now allegedly lied) about "Felonious Friend" being "stolen" by Hal Parker, a charge that was later dropped-James Duckworth befriended me on FB by adopting a dog that looked like Guy Fawkes that was in a Texas High Kill shelter. I was trying to save the dog, and posted it to many Anonymous groups. James Duckworth adopted the dog or claimed to, saving it's life. He sent me updates on the dog he adopted and became my friend. Then came the set - up. This is how co-intel works. They send someone in to claim to be part of your organization and use this to infilitrate the group-even going so far as to adopt a dog.
He made me Admin of DOZENS of Anonymous pages that I could post to. Then he tried to friend me on FB sending me daily updates of the dog he saved from a Texas kill shelter. Then one day he sent me a FB message wanting to incite violence against the kill pen owners claiming he was a 3% and saying he wanted to steal the horses I was trying to save from the kill pen and give them to his friend a wealthy man in TX who is President of the Cattleman's Association. I have MANY friends who ARE 3% and NONE of them would be that stupid to post something like that on FB KNOWING the FBI and CIA stalk every move we make - every word we type. So I knew RIGHT AWAY it was a set up.
Besides a wealthy man if he wanted the horses would easily walk in and drop the ten or twenty grand and buy the horses, his bail money would cost exponentially more then that if he killed someone, and the Cattleman's Association is NOT in the business of rescuing animals. SO it was VERY OBVIOUSLY a SET UP!
I told him I was not into violence and not to try to set me up. He then removed me as Admin of all the FB pages and stopped contacting me. Funny enough - this is ONE WEEK before Maggi Moss allegedly (and the charges were dropped so they were obviously not VALID CLAIMS) that Hal Parker STOLE Felonious Friend from her.
Timing is everything. Watch out for people who claim to be "Anonymous" but who try to set you up for violent crimes to go to jail like James Duckworth of Texas.
I was warned to watch out from him by other Anonymous members before it went down.

Then the set up came in.

I called James Duckworth out after that KNOWING he was co-intel. (#GubMintTroll)

THIS is why they drop bricks at the George Floyd Protests - they TRY to set people up. #Entrapment
He tries to scare me and intimidate me when I don't take the bait..."Be careful they will kill you."
