Yet They Offered A Refund and Claim To Be Working On It...
My Thoughts ON The Matter At Hand...XOXO
"Our Methods May Lack Imagination...Yet They Are Very Effective...Especially Over A Long Period Of Time..." XOXO
2,583 Views on the #FuckGoogle thred so far...And 43 Five Stars...Evidently The Word Is Out and Google Is Losing IN the Court of Public Opinion. Evidently the public does not like paying more then their parents did for the same service because Google forces companies to bid against each other. Quite frankly our competitors need to eat to. Nobody wins with Google. Everyone - across the board's - customers end up having to pay more, and while many of our competitors -we would MOST DEFINITELY NOT REFER YOU TOO -there are some excellent companies out there with sound reputations we DO refer our customers to-Both for commercial service (we only do Primarily Residential) and when we are too busy and booked solid for weeks. We know our customers want to be taken care of, and we will refer our highest rated competitors the ones we KNOW Will take good care of them when we cannot get to them in the near future. So bidding against those same companys for jobs we may end up handing over to our competitors anyway - even though we outbid the very company we just referred them to for the "click" lol -(And Vice Versa - It Comes Back To Us - When They Get Too Busy We TOO Get Their Referrals) - It Makes No Sense For Google To Play Us Against Each Other Forcing Us To Bid More To Outbid Them, And Both Sides Need To Work The Price War With Google Into Their Prices - In The End The Customer Loses. Not In Our Industry Only, Every Industry Across The Board, the going rate ror one Google Ad Word Click For Melanoma is HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS - FOR ONE CLICK-to that companys website only - NOT even a phone call.