Evidently it was a hoax, NO WHERE IN ANY OF THE LIVE FEED OF DAYS OF PROTESTS - HAS ANYONE CAUGHT THE RONA> THIS IS A WAR ON SMALL BUSINESSES-what the Corona Hoax didn't destroy-those who NEVER got an answer from the government-yet big names got hundreds of millions including a private jet company that donates to Trump, Shake Shack and Ruth's Chris who returned the money after PUBLIC HATE TOWARDS THEM for taking it all. What businesses were left over, the bricks were left allegedly by the government and police for Protestors or Co_opted Intel (government agents acting as provacaterus) to finish off.
How the hell is anyone going to prosper as a small business owner under these circumstances, when GOOGLE has us fighting each other in bidding wars for ad space?
Hundreds of arrests, NOBODY TAKING ANYONE'S TEMPERATURE in the jail but I've watched horse racing open the racetracks and painstakingly have to take the jockeys temperature and not allow fans or owners on the tracks, nobody to record the deaths, that's all that is. FUCK THAT! #CoronaHoax #OneLove #OpUnity XOXO
Why'd Trump FORCE all those businesses to close when his own FAMILY knows it is a hoax!

If it's not a hoax why aren't the Police depts forcing their "prisoners' the arrests they made at the riots into a social distancing situation instead of RISKING THEIR LIVES by crowding them all together and arresting them? Is protesting a death sentence, why are they holding them while releasing all the other prisoners? Because CORONA IS A HOAX and the SYSTEM IS CORRUPT AS HELL designed to DESTROY small businesses so we are all slaves.

Now we look into the Corona Cases and those who perpetuated the myth...
Where are Tom Amoss's Corona Virus test results? Anyone see them posted anywhere? Or is this a lie?

Shouldn't Tom STILL BE IN QUARANTINE his two weeks would not be up yet, here is Maggi Moss trying to get the tracks up and running...seems odd though...if her trainer is still under his self imposed TWO WEEK quarantine....ummmm March 19th Tom says he is going into quarantine that would not be up until April well AFTER maggi makes this statement, was she trying to take her competition down with Tom Amoss or was it a lie and she damn well knew it too?

Ntwo Maggi Moss friend Internet TROLLS FROM HELL Equine Crusaders own Claudia neal on getting horse racing going again... U SEE ALL THEY CARE ABOUT??? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
What it Tom Amoss is contagious? Where is his DOCTORS NOTE?

Who is pushing these rumors?

He was 95 years old...cause of death "Corona Virus" not "natural causes" like most other 95 year olds...hmmm....something off here? Or do they NOT GIVE A SINGLE FUCK ABOUT INFECTING PEOPLE WITH RONA?

It ain't no fun if the homeys can't have some...as if on cue Ray Paulick joins in the drama...

After TOM AMOSS DAD DIES ALLEGEDLY OF THE RONA, and AFTER TOM IS SUPPOSEDLY SELF QUARANTING after HIS OWN ALLEGATIONS HE WAS EXPOSED TO THE CORONA VIRUS, WHERE IS HIS TEST AT??? SHOW US THE RONA RESULTS @TomAmossRacing you wonder why Churchill Downs don't want you there, damn outbreak monkey running loose from New Orleans a known hot spot - spreading the virus to his competition. WTF?

All this publicity though Tom Amoss self quarantining...where is the follow up story? Obviously he is back out racing on the track....no follow up - you just get the media to make shit up - oh he MIGHT have Corona, but he didn't though...no correction just mislead and confuse the M.O. of NTWO in full action with the RONA!

They haven't scrubbed (Deleted) this article yet though...so SHOW US THE DATE AND TIME THE TEST WAS TAKEN AND THE TEST RESULTS-has any of the racetrack demanded this info? We know the Louisiana tracks had to take out a restraining order against the horsemen.

Wait...so let me get this straight...after all that HOT AIR about the Corona Virus and self quarantining which he PUBLICLY said to the press on March 20th for two weeks that would bring it up to April 3rd right? So how did Tom Amoss get ALL OF THESE RESULTS IN EQUIBASE if he was AT HOME self quarantining so HE DID NOT INFECT OTHERS-unless he knew it was a hoax??? How can he be BOTH places at once...#FISHYAsFUCK
Do you understand now why they scrub these articles from Google, I've noticed a pattern with Maggi Moss, she is fast to delete comments t

Don't believe me, research it YOURSELF click go to equibase.com click on trainers and click on Tom Amoss and click on results, flip through a few pages, and look at ALL THOSE RACES...#Propaganda Here is a link:
If anyone thinks Maggi Moss or Tom Amoss have ANY credibility left they are SADLY MISTAKEN!

You won't read about this on the Paulick Report no in depth exposes on his paper unless it is one of Maggi Moss's enemies like Dina Albarano of course, even then he lacks the facts.
That is why this is the view from the TOP because the view from the 8th poll is censored and obstructed right Ray Paulick?
Real journalists would have exposed this MONTHS ago when it happened, yet they let the hoax play out...

The rest of the dates Tom Amoss is supposedly in "Self Quarantine" where is Ray Paulick on ANY OF THESE RACES TO EXPOSE THE CORONA HOAX? OR for the SAFETY of the rest of the horse racing community to stop the spread? Shouldn't he have said something either way? You tell me...XOXO
