The police have all the highways blocked off, and there is NO WAY the tanker got through when regular cars can't without the National Guard and Police letting it in! Killing people! Two children are now missing as everyone scattered when the truck a LARGE TANKER TRUCK just smashed into protestors-peaceful protestors!!!
The "protestors" /Freedom Fighters/George Floyd Mourners the peaceful crowd that just got ran over- by a HUGE tanker truck on the ICONIC 35 W bridge the one that collapsed in 2007?2008? that was since rebuilt. The Freedom Fighters had to chase down the truck driver that ran into them - themselves bringing the truck driver to Justice - crowd sourced Justice - and the driver is now allegedly facing criminal charges and is in the hospital reportedly HCMC (Hennepin County Medical Center) which is located nearby.
Note: There is a food drive on 94 & Lexington
WATCH THE VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think those are the little kids the truck hit/ or slowed down for, he drives RIGHT INTO THE CROWD OF PEOPLE WITH A TANKER TRUCK!!!
Note: It said Keenen Advantage Group on the truck according to the radio, the driver now released from Medical treatment and allegedly in police custody. Corporate headquarters are in North Canton Ohio, they haul freight, gasoline and radio station believes it to be a gas station. This was a PEACEFUL PROTEST!!! There are missing three year old twins. One is named Quayvonn Anderson, not sure of the other name it was not mentioned.

They knew...
