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Aug 9, 20207 min read
How creepy is this? #CaughtONTape FedEX lurking...trying to open my front doors...#GangStalkers
UPDATED: I have added the surveillance videos to the bottom of the page. XOXO He NEVER EVEN KNOCKED he is on video tape just walking...

Jun 5, 20203 min read
When #BunkerBitch is not hiding out in his bunker you can find him socializing with the Clintons,
Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell Jeffrey Epstein's madam. XOXO #BunkerBitch let 5,000 Puerto Ricans die remember - because he FAILED...

Jun 4, 20205 min read
Since the "Llamas" Vince and Leah Kershaw "Fort Collins landscaping" keep doxxing protestors.
I thought you may want to write to them and ask them to stop. They can be reached at the following address. They have doxxed me many...

Jun 3, 20201 min read
If protestors want to know who is doxxing them it is Leah and Vince Kershaw.
Owners of Fort Collins Landscaping company in Colorado also known as the "Epic LLama Show" have committed themselves to the cause of...

Jun 2, 20204 min read
Still waiting for @soulhorses to answer that Better Business Bureau complaint...what's the hold up?
Your claims to sue me @whiskey50503170 are the FUNNIEST things I have EVER FUCKING HEARD, you have been threatening to sue me and...

Apr 20, 20201 min read
I am forgiving Jill Jenkins. She was Right You Know...(about Soul Horse TX and Randi Collier)
#BurnedDonor #MyApologiesToJillJenkins Around early January 2019 Randi Collier severly mislead me, and told me to look into the alleged...

Apr 20, 20201 min read
#Evidence Why won't Twitter let you read this? #GubmintTrolls
Did you know Randi and Maggi Moss have a crew of #GubmintTrolls what do you suppose their role is in all this? Whose paying them? XOXO
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