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Aug 9, 20206 min read
"Miss Mercken" sadly you will not hear Maggi Moss mention the death of her horse at Indiana Grand.
"Miss Mercken" whose jockey was suspended for 30 days for reckless riding, died after crashing into "Strollin the Bayou" son of "Stroll"....

Apr 8, 20201 min read
From King To Broken Cannon Bone in Kill Pen "Strollin Willie" The Handsomest Horse In Horse Racing Note: Link...

Jan 24, 20201 min read
Shocking and explosive allegations it was actually the STRONACHE GROUP VET AND NOT MANDELLA
Omaha Beach's trainer who spotted the injury and scratched "Omaha Beach" from this Saturday's Pegasus World Cup...incredibly damning...

Jan 16, 20201 min read
Let's set the record straight. The official total for 2019 dead horse count at Santa Anita is 44.
#Grim #EndHorseRacing #EndAnimalCruelty #AllLivesMatterEvenAnimals XOXO Note: This data is from an e-mail from so I...

Jan 12, 20201 min read
"The Smartest Horse That Ever Lived" named Jim Key...was born in 1885 and inspired over 2
Million children to take the pledge and say "I promise to be kind to animals and all sentient beings..."take the pledge TODAY! Jim Key...

Jan 10, 20201 min read
Evil horse racing community proposes having it's own PRIVATE KILL PEN AKA KNACKERY...
NTWO (National Thoroughbred WELFARE Organization's FOX HILL FARMS (Eight Belles, Omaha Beach) Proposes you do it QUIETLY instead at...

Jan 7, 20201 min read
Exactly why I do not eat horse meat or approve of shipping horses overseas or across borders...XOXO #EndKillPens #EndAnimalCruelty #EndHorseRacing #EvilBastards Note: I DO NOT endorse PETA...

Jan 4, 20201 min read
"All it takes for GREAT EVIL to for good people to do nothing...XOXO
#EndHorseRacing #EndAnimalCruelty #EndAnimalConfinement #PoliceAndFBIAccountabilityForIneptnessCorruptionAndFailureToEnforceTheLaws...

Dec 20, 20191 min read
Prosecutors find NO CRIMES in the 36 deaths at Santa Anita this year...
Are they blind or is this just the #CoverUP of the CENTURY??? There is no way the public is buying this...absolutely no way...this will...

Dec 17, 20191 min read
It is hard to "vet" a rescue when a hurricane strikes and everyone is drowning and all you have to
work with are unpaid volunteers from all around the world. Same with horse rescue when 80 plus horses are going to be shipped to...

Dec 13, 20191 min read
When whipping the shit out of your horse just isn't enough...
there is the option to shock the shit out of them of course, although it could carry a $25,000 prize...when you are trying to win...

Dec 11, 20191 min read
"I am done supporting a sport that kills it's stars..." Mark Berner
#EndHorseRacing #EndKillPens #EndAnimalCruelty XOXO Link: (HorseRaceInsider, 12/3/19) Links:

Dec 8, 20191 min read
Great leaders are not born that way, they are created...#Epic speech
given at the State of California Horse Racing Board meeting - powerful, moving words, her moment as the Voice For the Voiceless is heaven...

Dec 7, 20191 min read
Thank you to those of you who are the voice for the voiceless...
Some of the most intelligent and hard working activists, hacktivists, and horse angels, are beautiful young ladies with hearts of gold,...

Dec 7, 20191 min read
These horses are too young to die...XOXO
#EndHorseRacing #EndKillPens #EndAnimalCruelty XOXO

Dec 5, 20191 min read
It has been said over and over in comments on Twitter, on The Paulick Report, on my page and many
other highly censored news outlets that horse racing needs a General Commissioner, they should hire someone from the t.v. show hoarders....

Dec 4, 20191 min read
$200 Million dollar horse racing earnings trainer Steve Asmussen's horses testing dirty...XOXO
Link: SO he gets a slap on...
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